How to Make Vegan Smoothies? | With 9 Recipes

When figuring out how to make vegan smoothies, all you need to know is that smoothies are not just drinks made from randomly selected “healthy” ingredients.

You need to know how they are prepared and which ingredients fit together to make them taste good.

Let’s find out How to Make Vegan Smoothies!

Vegan smoothies are also referred to as ‘shakes’ or fruit juice. Generally, this term describes a mixture of various ingredients to be consumed as a beverage.

However, we should not forget that all foods are eaten while on a vegan diet are of vegetable origin. This means they should not contain milk, cream or other dairy products.

While preparing these drinks, it is not enough to take some vegetables and then mix them in the blender. This is a mistake many people make when trying to eat a more nutritious diet.

This type of diet usually leaves a bad taste in their mouth. After all, the logic is this: There is no rule that every vegetable or fruit will taste good together.

That’s why you should learn to identify the right ingredients for your drinks.

In this article, we’ll look at some tips you can use to make vegan smoothies.

How to Make Vegan Smoothies

1. Prepare Them According to Their Taste

How to make vegan smoothie

How to make vegan smoothies – Prepare your smoothie according to your taste.

A method to make vegan smoothies is to choose the ingredients according to the taste you want to achieve.

Do you want a sour drink or do you need something a little sweeter? Accordingly, you can find materials that best suit your wishes.

For example, you can make sour smoothies by using oranges, lemons, and grapefruits or by combining oranges and strawberries.

  • Sour smoothies

The most popular ingredients in these blends are oranges and lemon. Other ingredients are passion fruit, pineapple, tangerine, grapefruit, and Clementine tangerine.

  • Sweet smoothies

Bananas and plantain are generally used as essential ingredients. You can include fruits such as apples, mangoes and pears.

  • Mixed smoothies

To make this smoothie, you can use bananas as a base and add avocado, cocoa powder, and peanuts. In addition to bananas, you can only include apples and strawberries.

We recommend mixing acidic fruits with sweet ones, as the taste of acidic ones is often not for everyone.

Another important issue is to choose seasonal fruits when preparing any smoothie. They will be both fresher and more affordable.

2. Prepare By Color

How to make vegan smoothie

How to make a vegan smoothie – Prepare your smoothie according to its color.

One of the easiest ways to make vegan smoothies is to mix ingredients with the same color. For example, red apples, watermelons, and strawberries can be combined.

This tip is also so that you can play with the ratio of ingredients you put in to get the desired consistency.

Combining certain ingredients and adding water is not the same as increasing the amount of one of these ingredients to make a smoothie that has a good enough consistency.

So, what are the most common colors used to make vegan smoothies? Try red, yellow and green as a start.

Once you master these three groups, you can add some ingredients to get colors like pink, purple, blue, and light brown.

  • Green

Because of their color, these smoothies contain more vegetables than fruits.

  • Yellow

Mixtures of this color are more balanced in terms of fruit and vegetable ratio.

  • Red

These colored smoothies contain more fruits than vegetables.

     3. Prepare According To The Nutrients They Contain

How to make vegan smoothie

How to make vegan smoothies – Prepare your smoothie according to the nutrients

Once you have mastered the two methods we mentioned, this is the most appropriate method for making vegan smoothies. Although they are not always beautiful in color, they are high in vitamins, fiber and minerals.

If you want a drink with a high vitamin content, you should carefully choose the ingredients that contain high amounts of the nutrients we mentioned and always include them in your smoothies.

Remember that liquid drinks can be made with different essential ingredients. Some of these drinks can contain water, some tea and some mixtures with herbal ingredients (coconut, oats, almond or soy).

These essential ingredients will add a particular flavor to the drinks. That’s why it’s essential to know how to use them.

For example, in herbal drinks, the sweet flavors of ingredients such as banana or papaya are generally more intense.

All vegan smoothies can be delicious if you choose the ingredients you put in carefully.

So you can focus on some smoothie recipes, and add some different ingredients to create your mixes with ease over time.

Remember, making smoothies is easier than it seems. So keep encouraging yourself to try and spice up your diet with these delicious drinks.

Want More Vegan Smoothie Recipes?

Vegan Smoothie Recipe List
2000 Calorie Vegan Smoothie
Vegan Pumpkin Smoothie Recipe (850 kcal)
Vegan Strawberry Smoothie (Without Vegan Milk and Sugar)
Vegan Berry Smoothie Recipe
Vegan Mango Smoothie
Raw Vegan Breakfast Smoothie Recipes
Vegan Protein Smoothie Recipes
Vegan Banana Smoothie
500 Calorie Dragon Fruit Smoothie Recipe

See Also:

Vegan Protein Smoothie Recipes

21 Day Smoothie Diet