Printable 1200 Calorie Meal Plan (16 Simple Diet Plans in PDF)

Printable 1200 Calorie Diet Meal Plan (PDF)

Talking to a doctor before following this diet plan is indispensable because the human requirements are unique to their body systems (what works for others may harm you).

The simple 1200-calorie diet plan is geared toward predictable weight loss goals.

On the 1200-calorie diet plan, weight loss of 1 pound per week can be expected for some individuals, but the results can vary depending on the physical activity level, metabolic rate, and current weight. This plan is not intended for everyone, however.

The 1200-calorie diet may be more suitable for small-framed individuals, but assessing personal energy needs through professional guidance is important.

The 1200 calorie meal plan is on the low end of the recommended diet range for women, so this diet is unsuitable for men or women with an average or larger-than-average frame.

In addition, the 1200-calorie meal plan is best suited for women over 50.

As we age, losing weight becomes more complex, and this diet plan helps promote weight loss when it is difficult.

What is the Simple 1200 Calorie Meal Plan?

The 1200-calorie meal plan is a weight loss diet plan that allows most followers to lose at least 1 pound per week. This diet plan works by minimizing the calorie intake of the follower.

The average woman requires 1500 calories daily for weight loss and 2000 for regular weight maintenance.

This diet, however, strictly places you on a calorie count of 1200 daily. It has no stringent limitations on your diet, but the calorie count must be followed closely.

1200 Calorie Meal Plan

1200 calorie diet plan

How Does a 1200-Calorie Diet Plan Work?

The 1,200-calorie diet plan works by reducing the calories the body requires daily.

This reduction aims to make the body’s metabolic processes seek another energy source to make up for the reduction in calorie count.

Studies show that the next energy source to use up is to cover the reduction in the fat in the body. Therefore, by burning this fat, weight loss is achieved conveniently.

However, it is essential to note that the progress and success of this diet plan are primarily dependent on your current weight, age, medical history, and other factors that require you to discuss with your doctor before starting it.

Following the Simple 1200 Diet Plan

The 1200 diet plan doesn’t have phases or stages. It is an easy-to-understand diet plan. Following this diet plan means your total calorie count must be within and not more than 1200 calories per day.

You can get help from apps to make calorie counting more accessible, such as Myfitnesspal, Loseit, Cron-o-meter, Fatsecret, Sparkpeople, and more.

This diet plan accounts more for weight loss than weight maintenance. Therefore, you must have a weight goal and ensure you do not lose body mass alongside body weight.

When you have reached your desired weight goal, you can increase your calorie intake but continue eating healthy meals to maintain weight.

You May Need A Stricter Discipline Than Usual When Following a Simple 1200 Calorie Meal Plan

As a follower of this diet, more discipline than you can imagine is required, mainly if you are used to a high caloric intake.

This is because your body may experience hunger while you make this switch. Talking to a doctor before starting this diet is another good reason.

To tackle the hunger that accompanies following this diet, it is essential to eat healthy food that will fill you for a longer period.

Sustain your appetite by consuming healthy and filling foods moderately. Examples of good foods to choose from include

  • Watermelon,
  • Salad,
  • Grapefruit,
  • Vegetables,
  • Fruit with high water content and more.

Keep Your Nutrition Intake In-Check

The diet allows for snacks in your meal plan, and you should eat six times a day with snacks between the three meals.

It will also enable you to engage in less rigorous exercise, which can be dangerous when in a caloric deficit, to facilitate your weight loss goal.

While following this diet plan, ensure that your simple 1200 calorie meal plan count is a rich blend of a balanced diet.

This is important so you are not nutrient deficient in any capacity and to ensure that you drink water regularly to stay hydrated and control your appetite.

Which Foods to Avoid on a Simple 1200 Calorie Diet Plan?

As earlier stated, while shedding light on what the 1200 calorie diet plan is, the food to avoid while following this diet plan is an unwritten code.

Avoiding certain foods is not strictly stated, but avoiding them is in your best interest, so you don’t stay long on this diet plan.

Most of the food items listed here are exempt for anyone with a weight loss goal, regardless of the diet plan he/she follows.

Avoid the Following Foods:

  • Soft drinks: Juice, aerated drinks, and any drink that contains artificial added sugars/sweeteners.
  • Alcohol: Because it contains sugar capable of increasing your blood sugar level.
  • Fried foods: Fried snacks, etc.
  • Carbohydrates: Rice, pasta, candy, and other simple carbohydrates because they make you hungry quickly and they are high in glucose. At best, make sure you limit their intake substantially.
  • Fat: Food items that are rich in fat

What Foods Can You Eat on a 1200-Calorie Diet Plan?

Foods You Can Eat on 1200 Calorie Diet Plan

  • Complex carbohydrates keep you full for a long time. Examples are whole-grain bread or toast, bran, whole-grain pasta, high-fiber foods, and more.
  • Bananas, Cucumber, tomatoes, peaches, apples, grapefruits, and other non-starchy vegetables and fruits.
  • Because of their low fat and calorie content, canola oil, peanut oil, mustard oil, olive oil, and vegetable oil.
  • Lean proteins include beans, lentils, tofu, mushrooms, turkey, fish, and low-fat chicken.
  • Your meal plan must contain a balanced diet while staying within your calorie count.

If you are interested in a diet-specific 1200 calorie diet plan, the printable table below may be handy.

Some Tips to Follow Under Your 1200 Calorie Diet Plan

  • While following this diet plan, be sure to stay hydrated. Try to have at least 3 liters of water daily to keep your digestive system healthy and functioning properly.
  • Also, be sure to plan your calories.
  • Do not have a big breakfast and spend the rest of the day starving. You should plan your meals days.
  • Planning your daily meals will mentally and physically condition you so you don’t crave stuff.

Let’s dive into the 1,200-calorie-a-day meal plan now.

Pros and Cons of the Simple 1200 Calorie Meal Plan


  • It is easy to follow and allows for slight adaptation to meet your needs. This is why seeing your doctor is important.
  • It is an efficient weight-loss mechanism.
  • It is cost-effective and is essential for weight loss


  • It needs a more balanced system of certifying its diet.
  • Hunger and fatigue are the side effects of this diet
  • It is not suitable for active persons

Frequently Asked Questions About Simple 1200 Calorie Diet Plan

How easy is it to follow this diet?

The diet is easy to follow, allowing for mild adjustments to suit your needs. However, when transitioning to it, calorie requirements may be detrimental to your body, so it allows for slight considerations.

How weighty are the advantages against the disadvantages of this diet plan?

The advantages outweigh the disadvantages. It is noteworthy that the disadvantages can be mitigated by making slight adjustments, which should not reasonably cast doubt on the necessity of the diet.

Is the 1200 calorie diet plan safe and effective for weight loss?

The 1200 calorie diet plan is considered a healthy way of losing weight. However, you should ensure you are consuming the right amount of minerals and vitamins while on a low-calorie diet.

What are the benefits of a 1200 calorie diet?

People on a 1200 calorie diet can benefit from substantial weight loss, as well as preventing complications of excess weight or obesity.

How can you balance your foods in order to take all the essential vitamins and minerals?

Consuming a varied diet that includes whole foods such as vegetables, fruits, eggs, meat, and fish is helpful in maintaining an appropriate balance of nutrients. However, it is recommended to consult your dietitian to address this issue.


This simple 1200 calorie diet plan is undoubtedly effective and efficient for weight loss.

See your doctor before starting with this diet plan; make slight adjustments to include a more balanced diet and the addition of any form of supplemental nutrients that are necessary for the body.

1200 calorie diet is a low-calorie diet that provides fewer calories than you need in a day.

See Also

Dukan Diet Plan

Vertical Diet Meal Plan with Food List

Pancreatitis Diet Food List

BRAT Diet Food List

Keto Vegetables

800 Calorie Meal Plan

3000 Calorie Meal Plan

Foods That Burn Belly Fat

1200 Calorie Diet Food List


Current Version
April 24, 2023
Updated By
Franco Cuevas, MD
November 20, 2019
Written By