7 Day Grapefruit Diet Plan for Quick Weight Loss

Fat Destroying Grapefruit Diet Plan

Consult your healthcare professional before making any changes to your diet. According to the FDA Grapefruit juice and grapefruit can affect the way your medicines work, and that food and drug interaction can be a concern.(1) The Grapefruit Diet is low in calories and carbohydrates and moderate in protein content, with most variants averaging 800 to 1,000 calories per day. Consuming 1,000 calories daily is significantly below the average adult’s daily caloric needs. (2) 

The grapefruit diet plan shares many qualities with popular low-carb diets, including Keto, Atkins, Vegetarian, Paleo, and Calorie-counting.

Some diets limit calorie, fat, and carb intake, while others emphasize suppressing your appetite. The grapefruit diet (some describe it as the Hollywood diet or the Mayo diet) is one of the oldest fad eating plans, and it never fades away.

But does it really burn fat?

What is the Grapefruit Diet Plan, And Does It Help With Weight Loss?

Many people lose weight while following the grapefruit diet plan. However, most of it is likely water and muscle, with a small amount of fat thrown in.

Most people who restrict their calories and carbohydrates, in the same way, would lose weight regardless of whether they consumed grapefruit.

A look back at the history of the grapefruit diet reveals that it dates back to the 1920s and 1930s.

According to common perception, the strict dietary regimen emerged after the Great Depression, when actresses popularized it. It even got the name Hollywood Diet.

During the 1970s, the grapefruit diet grew in popularity, with numerous versions still in widespread use today.

According to the 2004 book “The Grapefruit Solution,” consuming grapefruit can increase the likelihood that your weight-loss plan will be successful.(3)

Most grapefruit diets revolve around the consumption of many grapefruits every day, with the remainder of the diet consisting primarily of fruits and vegetables.

The diet intended to be a short eating plan results in rapid weight loss, with some people reporting losing as much as 10 pounds in 12 days. However, this amount of weight loss in such short period of time is not sustainable. According to CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), People with gradual, steady weight loss (about 1 to 2 pounds per week) are more likely to keep the weight off than people who lose weight quickly.(3)

In addition to including grapefruit in your diet, you must lower your calorie intake to 1,000 calories or less per day and drastically minimize your carbohydrate intake.

It is also possible that eating grapefruit before a meal makes you feel fuller, allowing you to consume fewer calories.

Grapefruit is high in water content, likely contributing to your feeling of satiety after eating it.

However, no further data implies that grapefruit is a necessary component of this diet’s weight-loss strategy other than personal experience.

What Can You Eat On a Grapefruit Diet Plan?

Grapefruit Diet Plan

Grapefruit Diet Plan – What Can You Eat On A Grapefruit Diet?

Because there is no single grapefruit diet, instructions differ from one plan to the next.

Whatever variant you prefer, one thing is certain: you will eat grapefruit or drink grapefruit juice with every meal.

Most diet variations recommend eating half a grapefruit per meal throughout the day. Grapefruit is high in vitamin C and fiber and has a low-calorie count (66-84 calories per serving).

If you are looking for something different or do not want to contend with eating grapefruit, you may often substitute grapefruit for its juice.

Some variants of the diet regimen recommend restricting your daily caloric intake to as few as 800 calories, which is less than half of the amount recommended for a healthy, balanced diet.

Among the other characteristics of the classic grapefruit diet is consuming foods high in protein and low in fat and cholesterol.

Sugars, carbs, and highly processed foods are not advisable to include in the diet.

A typical meal on the grapefruit diet can consist of the following ingredients:

  • Half a grapefruit or 8 ounces of 100% grapefruit juice (no sugar added)
  • Salad or a red or green vegetable sautĂ©ed in butter or spices
  • Meat or fish (Cooked)
  • Coffee or tea with no added cream or sugar (one cup)

What Are The Potential Health Benefits of The Grapefruit Diet Plan?

When you incorporate grapefruit into your diet, you may get all your nutrients while consuming the least calories.

It contains sufficient fiber and other essential nutrients that are good for your health. Among the many nutrients included in half of a medium-sized grapefruit are:


Calories: 52

Carbs 13g

Dietary fiber 2g

Vitamin C 64% RDI

Vitamin A 28% RDI

Potassium 5%  RDI

Thiamine 4% RDI

Folate 4% RDI

Magnesium 3% RDI

The low-calorie grapefruit diet has the following potential health benefits.

1. Weight Loss

Grapefruit contains a significant amount of fiber, which helps in digestion by slowing down the rate at which the stomach empties.

The fiber content helps make you feel full for longer by suppressing your hunger, preventing you from binge eating, thus leading to weight loss.

It is also an excellent weight-loss choice because of its low calorie and high water content.

2. Boosts the Immune System

Each serving of grapefruit provides you with vitamins A and C, which are excellent for boosting the immune system.

When you have a cold and take grapefruit, the vitamins help reduce the discomforts and the duration of the illness.

3. Improved Insulin Resistance

Grapefruit Diet Plan

Improved Insulin Resistance

According to research, grapefruit is beneficial in the prevention of insulin resistance.

Because it has a low glycemic index (GI) of roughly 25, it does not spike blood sugar levels in the same way or to the same extent as high-GI foods.

4. Lowers Blood Pressure and High Cholesterol Levels

Grapefruit contains sufficient potassium and high fiber content, lowering the risk of developing high blood pressure.

It also has the additional benefit of reducing bad cholesterol levels while improving overall cholesterol levels.

5. Reduced Risk of Cardiovascular Disease

Grapefruit contains fiber, antioxidants, and several essential nutrients, including potassium, that help maintain the healthy functioning of the cardiovascular system.

6. Speeds Wound Healing

Grapefruit is rich in vitamin C, which aids in the formation of good scar tissue and the construction of new blood vessels, resulting in the restoration of your body’s health.

A grapefruit contains around 72 milligrams of vitamin C, equivalent to 120 percent of the daily recommended intake.

Disadvantages of the Grapefruit Diet

  • It is harmful to follow this diet because it is low in calories and requires
  • Because the diet is deficient in critical vitamins and minerals, one may experience dizziness or low energy levels during the diet.
  • It is overly restrictive since it relies too heavily on a single food source.
  • The diet does not significantly alter your normal eating behavior, which is necessary for long-term weight loss; the weight you lose today will most likely reappear later.

Factors to Consider When Following the Grapefruit Diet

1. You can dress your salads with olive oil while on the grapefruit diet.

2. Drink at least 1.5 liters of water daily and exercise regularly while following the grapefruit diet plan.

3. People who suffer from stomach disorders such as gastritis or ulcers may face stomach troubles while following the grapefruit diet.

4. Grapefruit can cause severe damage to your organs when taken with certain medications because it contains furanocoumarins chemicals that interfere with the potency of the drugs. Some of the medicines that you should not take with grapefruit include

  • Cholesterol-lowering statin drugs
  • Blood pressure-lowering drugs
  • Organ-transplant rejection drugs
  • Anti-anxiety drugs
  • Abnormal heart-rhythm treatment drugs
  • Certain antihistamines

5. Avoid adding sugar or salt to grapefruits and enjoy them as they are.

6. The diet highly recommends cooking all the meals besides the fruit.

7 Day Grapefruit Diet Plan

Day 1


2 eggs with 2 slices of bacon,

Unsweetened coffee

Half of a grapefruit,

1 glass of freshly squeezed grapefruit juice


Unlimited grilled meat with veggie salad,

Half of a grapefruit,

1 cup of freshly squeezed grapefruit juice


Red cabbage, with red vegetables such as beets, non-starchy green leafy vegetables,

Unlimited grilled meat or fish,

Half of a grapefruit,

1 glass of freshly squeezed grapefruit juice

Day 2


Half of a grapefruit with unsweetened coffee/tea


Half of a grapefruit, with 2 boiled eggs, tomato, cucumber, and greens salad, lemon juice and vinegar,

1 slice of toast,

Unsweetened tea/coffee


Half of the grapefruit, with tomato, cucumber, and greens salad with lemon juice and vinegar,

100 grams of grilled chicken/meat/fish

Day 3

Grapefruit and Egg


2 boiled eggs,

Unsweetened tea/coffee,

1 cup of grapefruit juice or 1 grapefruit


1 bowl of vegetable salad with 100 grams of meat or chicken,

1 cup of grapefruit juice or 1 grapefruit


1 bowl of vegetable salad,

100 grams of beef or chicken,

1 cup of grapefruit juice or 1 grapefruit

Day 4


2 boiled eggs 2 thin slices of bacon,

Black coffee,

Half grapefruit


A salad of tomato, cucumber, and onion, unlimited boiled or grilled meat,

1 cup of grapefruit juice


Red cabbage, red vegetables such as beets, and non-starchy green leafy vegetables with unlimited grilled meat or fish,

Half of a grapefruit,

1 cup of freshly squeezed grapefruit juice

Day 5

Grapefruit with Red Vegetables

Grapefruit with Red Vegetables


2 eggs, 2 slices of bacon,

Unsweetened coffee,

Half of a grapefruit,

1 cup of freshly squeezed grapefruit juice


Unlimited grilled meat, salad, half of a grapefruit,

1 cup of freshly squeezed grapefruit juice


Red cabbage, red vegetables such as beets, and non-starchy green leafy vegetables, unlimited grilled meat or fish, half of a grapefruit, and 1 glass of freshly squeezed grapefruit juice

Day 6


2 boiled eggs,

Unsweetened tea/coffee,

1 cup of grapefruit juice or 1 grapefruit


1 bowl of vegetable salad,

100 grams of meat or chicken,

1 cup of grapefruit juice or 1 grapefruit


1 bowl of vegetable salad,

100 grams of beef or chicken

1 cup of grapefruit juice or 1 grapefruit

Day 7

Grapefruit Diet Plan


Half of a grapefruit,

Unsweetened coffee/tea


Half the grapefruit, 2 boiled eggs, tomato, cucumber, and greens salad, with lemon juice and vinegar, 1 slice of toast,

Unsweetened tea/coffee


Half the grapefruit, with tomato, cucumber, and greens salad, lemon juice, and vinegar,

100 grams of grilled chicken/meat/fish

Printable (PDF) Grapefruit Diet Plan

MealsDay 1Day 2Day 3Day 4Day 5Day 6Day 7
Breakfast2 eggs
2 slices of bacon
Unsweetened coffee
Half of a grapefruit
1 glass of freshly squeezed grapefruit juice
Half of a grapefruit
Unsweetened coffee / tea
2 boiled eggs
Unsweetened tea / coffee
1 glass of grapefruit juice or 1 grapefruit
2 boiled eggs
2 thin slices of bacon
Black coffee
Half grapefruit
2 eggs
2 slices of bacon
Unsweetened coffee
Half of a grapefruit
1 glass of freshly squeezed grapefruit juice
2 boiled eggs
Unsweetened tea / coffee
1 glass of grapefruit juice or 1 grapefruit
Half of a grapefruit
Unsweetened coffee / tea
LunchUnlimited grilled meat
Half of a grapefruit
1 glass of freshly squeezed grapefruit juice
Half of a grapefruit
2 boiled eggs
Salad consisting of tomatoes, cucumbers and greens with lemon juice and vinegar
1 slice of toast
Unsweetened tea / coffee
2 boiled eggs
Unsweetened tea / coffee
1 glass of grapefruit juice or 1 grapefruit
A salad of tomato, cucumber and onion
Unlimited boiled or grilled meat
1 glass of grapefruit juice
Unlimited grilled meat
Half of a grapefruit
1 glass of freshly squeezed grapefruit juice
1 bowl of vegetable salad
100 grams of meat or chicken
1 glass of grapefruit juice or 1 grapefruit
Half of a grapefruit
2 boiled eggs
Salad consisting of tomatoes, cucumbers and greens with lemon juice and vinegar
1 slice of toast
Unsweetened tea / coffee
DinnerA meal of red cabbage,
Red vegetables such as beets,
Green leafy vegetables that do not contain starch,
Unlimited grilled meat or fish,
Half of a grapefruit
1 glass of freshly squeezed grapefruit juice
Half of grapefruit,
Salad made of tomato, cucumber and greens with lemon juice and vinegar,
100 grams of grilled chicken / meat / fish
1 bowl of vegetable salad,
100 grams of meat or chicken,
1 glass of grapefruit juice or 1 grapefruit
A meal of red cabbage, Red vegetables such as beets, and green leafy vegetables that do not contain starch,
Unlimited grilled meat or fish
Half of a grapefruit
1 glass of freshly squeezed grapefruit juice
A meal of red cabbage, Red vegetables such as beets, and green leafy vegetables that do not contain starch,
Unlimited grilled meat or fish,
Half of a grapefruit
1 glass of freshly squeezed grapefruit juice
1 bowl of vegetable salad,
100 grams of meat or chicken,
1 glass of grapefruit juice or 1 grapefruit
Half of grapefruit,
Salad made of tomato, cucumber and greens with lemon juice and vinegar,
100 grams of grilled chicken / meat / fish

Final Thoughts

Grapefruit is a powerhouse for nutritional content and the power of healing and preventing certain illnesses. It is also high in fiber and proteins, which help you stay satiated for longer.

Moreover, if you are trying to lose weight, half a grapefruit or a glass of juice before meals may help fill you up and prevent you from craving anything else between meals.

Additionally, you will eat fewer calories at meals and potentially lose weight. A physician’s consent is always advisable before starting a grapefruit or low-calorie diet.

People taking any form of medication are especially advised to tread with care when following the diet because it interferes with the potency of certain drugs.

See Also:

Scarsdale Diet Plan

Yogurt Diet Meal Plan

What Can You Drink During Intermittent Fasting?

List of Keto Vegetables

Carnivore Diet Food List

Is Grapefruit Keto

Damla Sengul

Damla Sengul, a seasoned Food Editor at Dietsmealplan.com, boasts a 5-year worth of expertise as a digital editor, with a specific focus on authentic recipe content. Her expertise extends to various crucial aspects of the cookery world, including in-depth research on renowned chefs worldwide and innovative recipe development. Additionally, Damla is an enthusiastic baker who dedicates part of her time crafting delightful celebration cakes for her friends.