Vertical Diet Meal Plan With Food List

Vertical Diet Meal Plan – Overview

Have you decided to bulk up? Want to build muscles as a real bodybuilder? If your answer is yes, then you have to understand the basics of diet followed by professional bodybuilders i.e. Vertical Diet.

We all know about the different types of diet programs present out there. We will talk about the Vertical Diet Meal Plan, which is there for those who want to bulk up!

What is a Vertical Diet?

A vertical diet plan is recommended for those who want to gain bodyweight.

Unlike most diet plans, a vertical diet plan is recommended for those who have a poor physique or want to add extra body weight.

It is also good for bodybuilders who want to bulk up their muscles and body weight.

Vertical Diet Meal Plan

Vertical Diet Meal Plan

A vertical Diet has several benefits such as helping you gain body weight, improving strength, and boosting your workout time.

A horizontal diet plan consists of a variety of foods or we can say all types of foods; however, a vertical diet plan includes limited foods that help you boost your energy level.

It’s a high-calorie diet that adds up extra energy as well as body weight.

If you ask bodybuilders about the diet, they would recommend you to follow the vertical diet as it is considered the best diet for athletes who works out a lot in the gym or the park.

Since the diet is full of calories and carbs, it is not an ideal diet plan for those who remain idle.

How do I Get Started with the Vertical Diet?

The vertical diet allows you to eat several foods that are delicious and you may like the most. All of the foods allowed in a vertical diet are known for increasing muscle mass.

Some weightlifters and bodybuilders combine this diet with other diet plans to improve their strength and performance in the gym.

How do I Get Started with the Vertical Diet

If we talk about the primary foods in Vertical Diet, then white rice and red meat are 2.

White rice provides the needed carbohydrates, while red meat provides the required protein, vitamins, and other essential nutrients.

Moreover, white rice is easy to digest and easily available. One can easily cook white rice in just a few minutes.

It is considered the primary source of carbs. In a low-carb diet, white rice is eliminated from being the primary source of carbs.

In a nutshell, you can have a variety of foods that are easy to digest.

Some foods are hard to digest and for that reason, these types of foods are restricted to those who are following the Vertical Diet.

Let’s discuss the foods we can eat on the Vertical Diet plan.

Foods to Eat on a Vertical Diet

As noted above, white rice and red meat are the primary foods for vertical diet meals. You can add a list of items in your meal listed below.

You can make variations in your vertical diet meal by adding or eliminating these items. Or you can replace them every alternative day.

Vertical Diet Meal Plan

Vertical Diet Plan – Foods to Eat on a Vertical Diet

White rice,


Red meat,

White and sweet potatoes,


Spinach, and other veggies that are easy to digest,



Coconut oil,

Whole eggs,

Full-fat yogurt,







All of these foods are known as high-quality foods. These food items are easily available and everyone likes them.

Now, some foods are strictly not allowed in Vertical Diet Meal. Let’s identify those foods now!

Foods not to Eat on a Vertical Diet

As noted above, certain foods are strictly not allowed on Vertical Diet. The hard-to-digest foods are eliminated from the Vertical Diet Meal. The list lies below!

Bread, pasta, brown rice, unsoaked oats, corn, garlic, onion, lentils, beans, sugary alcohol, soda, cold drinks, coffee, tea, cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, etc.

Hard-to-digest veggies are also not allowed in a vertical diet.

Vertical Diet Meal Plan

Vertical Diet Meal Plan – Foods not to Eat on a Vertical Diet

Since you know the types of foods allowed and not allowed on a Vertical Diet Plan, let’s check out the Basic Vertical Diet Meal Plan to get started.

Here we have presented to you the most basic vertical diet meal plan which you can follow.

However, you can make variations of these diets and can change their ingredients to suit your taste.

Basic Vertical Diet Meal Plan

Since Vertical Diet Plan is recommended for bodybuilders and weightlifters, it consists of five meals in a day. One has to follow the five-meal plan in a day to get bulked up just like professional bodybuilders.

However, you also need to take a few things into consideration while following the five-meal diet plan i.e. Vertical Diet Plan.

Meal 1: Breakfast

Scrambled eggs, whole eggs, omelet, scrambled cheese, raw carrots, raw almonds, spinach, red peppers, and salt to improve the taste of these foods.

Meal 2: Morning Snacks

White rice, cooked red meat or beef, orange juice, sweet potato, chicken broth, red pepper, salt, and fruit juices.

Meal 3: Lunch

Sweet potato, chicken breasts, bone broth, white rice, baby carrots, spinach, red pepper, salt, and orange juice.

Meal 4: Dinner/ Evening Snacks

Chicken stock, steaks, potatoes with white rice, chicken broth, and cranberry juice.

Meal 5: Bedtime Snack

Whole milk, baby carrots, yogurt.

As described, you can use a variety of foods in your daily meal plan. The above-listed foods are the most basic foods that most people follow.

If you know how to cook a variety of dishes using the above-listed food items, then you are allowed to use them.

The Bottom Line:

The vertical diet is recommended for those who are quite active and want to add muscle mass.

It is good for professional bodybuilders, weightlifters, and athletes who sweat out a lot in the gym or on the ground.

The same diet is not good or recommended for normal people.

The diet includes foods that are easy for your digestive system.

Unlike other diets, it consists of five meals in a day as the aim of this diet plan is to increase body weight and ultimately muscle mass.

If you are lean and want to put on some body weight, then you can follow this diet plan for 4 weeks to see the results.

You should not become accustomed to being skinny. Just follow this diet plan for a few days to add a few pounds. Also, do some basic exercise so that you can easily convert the carbs into muscles.

See Also

Optavia Diet Food List

BRAT Diet Recipes

BRAT Diet Food List

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Soft Food Diet Plan
