Brand-New Keto Recipes Under 300 Calories

Looking for keto recipes under 300 calories? Tired of bland recipes? If you want to try something new and not exceed 300 calories, look no further.

Let’s Find Out Brand-New Keto Recipes Under 300 Calories

In this article, you will find 4 different recipes, and they will not exceed 300 calories. We will introduce these delicious recipes to you later in the article.

Before moving on to the recipes, we recommend that you do not neglect to drink plenty of water while following a keto diet and make time for your daily exercises.

Keto Recipes Under 300 Calories

  • Zucchini and Tuna Croquettes

Keto recipes under 300 calories

Keto recipes under 300 calories – Zucchini and tuna croquettes

This is consumed as a main meal and is delicious and suitable for your ketogenic diet. The preparation time of this recipe is 10 minutes. The recipe is for 4 people and contains 254 calories per serving.


300 grams of drained tuna
60 grams of grated mozzarella cheese
1 egg
1 grated zucchini
2 tablespoons of almond flour
A pinch of salt and pepper

For Salad

Fresh mint leaves
Chopped parsley
Green pepper


Put tuna, egg, and 2 tablespoons of almond powder in a salad bowl.

Add the grated zucchini, grated mozzarella cheese, salt and pepper.

Mix them well. Divide the resulting dough into small balls.

Place the balls on a baking sheet. Then, slightly straighten it.

Bake in a oven at 180 ° C for 30 minutes and eat with salad.

  • Ketogenic Yogurt Kebab Recipe

Keto recipes under 300 calories

Ketogenic yogurt kebab recipe

This recipe for 4 people has 20 minutes of preparation and 25 minutes of cooking time.

It contains 267.75 calories per serving.

For the eggplant mixture

4 medium-sized eggplants
2 garlic cloves, chopped
1 cup of strained yogurt
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon of black pepper

For the minced meat sauce

250 grams of ground beef
2 tablespoons of olive oil
2 garlic cloves, chopped
1 diced tomato
1 green pepper, chopped
1 chopped onion
1 tablespoon of pepper paste
1 teaspoon of red pepper powder
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon of black pepper


Put the minced meat and olive oil in a pan and sauté.

Then fry it with chopped onion. Next, add chopped green peppers, chopped garlic, diced tomato and pepper paste and cook for 15 minutes.

Season with salt and spices and remove from heat.

Wash the eggplants, pierce the tops with a fork and roast in the oven.

After peeling the roasted eggplants, chop them finely.

Mix the chopped garlic and the strained yogurt thoroughly in a bowl.

Place roasted chopped eggplant, garlic yogurt and cooked ground beef on a serving plate and serve hot.

  • Ketogenic Roll Pizza

Keto recipes under 300 calories

Ketogenic roll pizza recipe

This pizza recipe, which will become indispensable for your dinner, is for 4 people and contains 143 calories per serving.


125 grams of Mozzarella cheese
2 fl oz tomato sauce
30 grams of green pepper
10 grams of onion
3 slices of raw ham
2 teaspoons of spices for pizza
1 tomato
A pinch of salt
A pinch of black pepper


Preheat the oven to 220 ° C. Cut the mozzarella into small pieces and place on a baking sheet.

Sprinkle the pizza spices on them and cook for 15 minutes.

Cut the ham, green peppers, onion and tomato into small pieces.

Take the mozzarella out of the oven and add the ham, pepper, onion and tomato pieces.

Then add tomato sauce.

Bake in the oven for another 10 minutes.

Take the pizza out of the oven and wait until it is lukewarm.

Then, cut it into 6 slices and gently roll them

  • Keto Salmon Soup

Keto salmon soup recipe

Keto recipes under 300 calories – Keto salmon soup recipe

This recipe for 5 people has 15 minutes of preparation and 20 minutes of cooking time.

It contains 313 calories per serving.


200 grams of salmon
150 cl fresh cream
4 leeks
1 onion
1 cup of water
2 tablespoons of olive oil
2 tablespoonful butter
2 teaspoons of dill
1 vegetable bouillon cube
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon of black pepper


Remove the tips of the leek and cut it in half lengthwise, run it underwater for washing and cut it into cubes.

Finely chop the onions.

In a saucepan, sauté the olive oil and onion over medium heat.

Add the leeks and cook for 5 minutes.

Add the dill, vegetable bouillon cube, butter, salt, pepper and a large glass of water.

Cook for 15 more minutes.

Cut the salmon into pieces and add to the saucepan.

Pour the cream and boil again. Stir regularly. Serve hot in bowls.

Keeping your keto meal within the 300 calorie range can allow you to enjoy a nice keto desert-like keto hot chocolate or keto chocolate chip cookies, without feeling guilty of overeating.

See Also:

Keto Chocolate Chip Cookies