Melanin Rich Foods for Skin

Melanin Rich Foods for Skin – Overview

What is melanin? Melanin is a brown to black pigment that occurs naturally in our bodies but also in the bodies of animals and plants. It is formed by the chemical reaction of the amino acids tyrosine and tryptophan. (1)

Melanin protects our skin, hair, nails, and beard from damage by light, more specifically, UV radiation. However, melanin is not only considered a pigment. Performs protective functions. It is essential to maintain the desired concentration of the component.

The pigment is produced by melanocytes, which are the cellular elements of the skin. Its greatest concentration accumulates in the nucleus to prevent damage to the genetic material.

Melanin in our body can be compared to plants that have chlorophyll.

Chlorophyll is an important element that protects the plant from oxidation and, at the same time, supports the formation of photosynthesis. Melanin protects us and keeps our skin supple, smooth, and full of life.

The main function of melanin is to protect the skin from harmful ultraviolet radiation. The presence of the substance makes it possible to absorb carcinogens partially. With a sufficient amount of pigment, burns will not appear on the surface of the skin.

With age, the number of melanin decreases, which causes the appearance of pigmentation, and gray hair. Therefore, it is important to follow a diet that allows you to compensate for the lack of substance.

For the sufficient synthesis of melanin, it also often helps to stay in the fresh air, go to the sea and also be physically active. In some cases, the use of special drugs that promote the production of the substance is indicated.

Biohacking is a great tool with a holistic approach to health, and this is proving to be an ideal choice for self-care these days. The production of melatonin begins right in bed. That is why it is important to ensure enough sleep in our regime.

Our skin is a reflection of our inner experience as well as the state of nutrition of our organism. From a psychological point of view, it is mainly about being as calm as possible and reducing the level of stress in our lives.

Stress, the free radicals associated with it, and the formation of the stress hormone cortisol also strongly influence the formation of melanin, the quality of sleep and the defense capacity of our organism.

It’s fascinating how connected the systems in our body are and at the same time. So, let’s take a look at optimal nutrition for melanin production.

What foods contain melanin?

Melanin rich foods for skin

Melanin rich foods for skin – What foods contain melanin?

synthesis of pigment diet:

1. Animal products

  • meat, milk, cottage cheese, and cheese
  • oysters, mussels, fish, and seaweed

This food also contains protein and copper, which help strengthen the skin.

2. Vegetables, legumes, cereals

  • pumpkin seeds and sesame seeds, beans, lentils, peas
  • especially useful are lettuce leaves, parsley, green onions, broccoli and spinach
  • oatmeal, buckwheat, and cereals

The food list is rich in retinol, tocopherol, and B vitamins.

Tip: Make vegetable juices every morning! Ideally, get a juicer and make a drink with an apple, celery stalks, and cucumber, and you can use any kind of leafy salad. If you don’t have a juicer, you can buy powdered greens. For such, I would strongly recommend finding out the origin and method of processing.

3. Orange vegetables and fruits

Melons, pumpkins, apricots, carrots, and tangerines contain a sufficient amount of the necessary carotene.

These foods contribute to the production of melanin.

Nuts (hazelnuts, almonds, peanuts), fruits (avocado, bananas), and vegetables (beetroot and cabbage) also have a positive effect on pigment synthesis. Lastly, I will mention (and I believe I will please you) high-quality cocoa.

High-quality cocoa or high-percentage chocolate contains approximately 1,400 substances beneficial to the body, such as a whole range of antioxidants, as well as zinc, copper and magnesium.

They support the condition of the skin and immunity and have an antiviral effect. I recommend raw, unroasted cocoa, but you can also use quality organic dark chocolate.

On the contrary, let’s mention foods that reduce pigment production:

  • salty croutons, chips, peanuts, and pickles;
  • pastries, cakes, buns, ice cream, candies, waffles, marshmallows, and cookies;
  • alcoholic and carbonated beverages;
  • strong coffee or tea;
  • boiled corn.

A well-designed diet with a preponderance of healthy food allows you to compensate for the lack of substance.

A few final words

Allow yourself to make a really varied menu, start following some food bloggers, get inspired in restaurants, go to a health food store and buy foods that you may not know and that is mentioned in the article.

In short, experiment and allow yourself to move forward in life. When it comes to tanning and skin health, it’s also important to drink plenty of water to keep your skin hydrated. It is not for nothing that they say that we are what we eat. Our diet reflects our overall health, including the health of our skin.

See Also

Psoriasis Diet Plan

Best Fruits for Skin

Foods to Avoid for Clear Skin

Diet for Clear Skin

Karolina Peterova

Hi! I am Karolina, a nutritionist, fitness trainer, and a master's student at the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports, based in Prague, Czech Republic. I have been dedicated to a healthy lifestyle for about 7 years and today it is a substantial part of my life and work. What I love most about my job is that I can help people on their way to their goals, whether it's better and healthier eating or performing in sports. I believe you will enjoy reading my posts and learning something new about a healthy and fit lifestyle.

Current Version
October 9, 2022
Written By
Karolina Peterova