7 Day Smoothie Weight Loss Diet Plan

7 Day Smoothie Weight Loss Diet Plan – Before You Start

Weight loss smoothies can help you healthily shed weight while being enjoyable, satisfying, and nutrient-dense!

Smoothies are perhaps the best way to eat lots of fruit and veggies. 

You definitely wouldn’t eat two bananas and a punnet of strawberries in one sitting, but combine them with almond milk and ice in a blender, and you’ve got a wonderful, refreshing weight-loss fruit smoothie you can’t wait to enjoy.

No need to worry about those yucky veg smoothies that make healthy eating feel like a hassle! We’ve compiled a list of the most delectable, creamy, and flavorful smoothies.

This will make your weight loss journey a walk in the park. 

Are There Criteria for Making Weight Loss Smoothies?

Yes, weight loss smoothies will work well for you, but you have to stick to the following criteria:

1. It should comprise ingredients that help you feel satisfied for longer.

2. It should contain ingredients that you love so that it can be easy to enjoy. 

3. It should comprise low-calorie ingredients.

4. It should be a meal replacement or help you to avoid unhealthy treats.

7-Day Weight Loss Smoothie Shopping List


7 Day Smoothie Weight Loss Diet Plan

7 Day Smoothie Weight Loss Diet Plan – Avocado

Avocado is the best thickener for weight loss smoothies since it adds complete creaminess. It’s high in omega-3 fatty acids, which help you stay full until your next smoothie or meal. 

Avocado also has several minerals and vitamins that help flush toxins from the body, which may cause your body mass.


Berries come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Blueberries and raspberries, for instance, add taste without adding calories to your smoothie.

Berries are full of fiber, which helps to cleanse your body. Fibers also help you feel satisfied for longer. 



Cinnamon is a common spice used in a variety of dishes. It can also be used to improve metabolism by regulating blood sugar. Cinnamon also burns stubborn abdominal fat quickly. 

Coconut Water

Coconut water is among the most effective weight-loss ingredients out there. You see, coconut water contains fifty acids, making your smoothies healthy and delicious.


Flax seeds are rich in protein and fiber to help you stay fuller for longer.

Flaxseeds also contain vast amounts of antioxidants, calcium, and omega-3 fatty acids, which are useful in boosting your overall metabolism for a quick and safe weight loss journey.

Leafy Greens

Leafy greens such as kale and spinach are packed with phytonutrients and are low in calories. They are also rich in fiber for utmost cleansing and easy digestion. 

Unsweetened Yogurt

Unlike other yogurt varieties today, unsweetened yogurt is rich in protein. This implies it can keep you satisfied for a longer period. 

7-Day Sample Weight Loss Smoothie Diet Plan

Day 1

7 Day Smoothie Weight Loss Diet Plan

Breakfast (Creamy Kale-Pineapple Smoothie)

Half a cup of water

One cup kale

One tablespoon of almond butter

Quarter a cup of frozen blueberries

Quarter a cup of low-fat yogurt

Quarter a cup of pineapple (sliced)

Lunch (Pineapple Mint Smoothie)

Half a cup pineapple (sliced)

Mint (one handful)

One apple

One orange

One tablespoon of cinnamon

Three spinach leaves

Dinner (Cucumber and Kale Smoothie)

One apple

One cucumber

One lemon (peeled)

Two celery stalks (medium-sized)

Two kale leaves

Day 2

Breakfast (Creamy Cucumber and Kale Smoothie)

Half a cup of almond milk

Half a cup of pineapple

Half an apple

One cucumber (large)

Three kale leaves

Lunch (Berry and Avocado Smoothie)

Half a cup of berries

Half a cup of coconut water

Half an avocado

Four tablespoons of lemon extract

One tablespoon of flax seeds

Dinner (Aloe Vera, Cucumber, and Parsley Smoothie)

Five tablespoons of lemon extract

Half a cup of water

One cucumber

Parsley (one handful)

Two tablespoons of aloe vera extract

Day 3

7 Day Smoothie Weight Loss Diet Plan

7 Day Smoothie Weight Loss Diet Plan

Breakfast (Green Tea Smoothie)

One cup blueberries

Quarter a cup of water

Three green tea teabags

Three tablespoons of flax seeds

Lunch (Carrot, Ginger, and Tomato Smoothie)

Ginger (one piece)

One tablespoon cinnamon

Three carrots

Two cucumbers

Two tomatoes

Dinner (Avocado, Banana, and Spinach Smoothie)

One avocado

One banana

One cucumber

Spinach (one handful)

Day 4

Breakfast (Creamy Mango and Oat Smoothie)

Half a cup of low-fat yogurt

Half a mango (medium-sized)

Half a cup of water

One cup oats

Lunch (Creamy Apple, Blueberry, and Spinach Smoothie)

Five spinach stalks

Half a cup of sugarless plain yogurt

One cup blueberries

One piece of ginger

Two apples

Dinner (Pineapple Mint and Celery Smoothie)

Half a cup of water

Mint (one handful)

One cup pineapple (sliced)

Two celery stalks

Day 5 

7 Day Smoothie Weight Loss Diet Plan

7 Day Smoothie Weight Loss Diet Plan

Breakfast (Pineapple Mint and Orange Smoothie)

Half a cup of water

Mint (one handful)

One cup of pineapples (sliced)

Three tablespoons of lemon juice

Two oranges

Lunch (Creamy Sweet Potato Smoothie)

Half a cup of natural yogurt

One apple

One cucumber

One sweet potato

Quarter a cup of water

One tablespoon cinnamon

Dinner (Avocado, Banana, and Spinach Smoothie)

Five leaves spinach

Half an avocado (medium-sized)

One banana

One cup of almond milk

Day 6

7 Day Smoothie Weight Loss Diet Plan

7 Day Smoothie Weight Loss Diet Plan

Breakfast (Pineapple and Ginger Smoothie)

One piece of ginger (small)

Quarter a cup of pineapple

Two celery stalks

Two cups of coconut water

Two tablespoons of lemon juice

Lunch (Pineapple, Celery, and Cucumber Smoothie)

Half a green apple

One cucumber

One cup pineapple

Quarter a cup of almond milk

Quarter a cup of water

Two celery stalks

Dinner (Avocado, Blueberry, and Mango Smoothie)

Avocado (10 slices)

Half a cup of coconut water

One cup blueberries

Quarter a cup of mango

Day 7

Breakfast (Blueberry, Cinnamon, and Spinach Smoothie)

Four spinach leaves

One cup blueberries

One cup of coconut water

One tablespoon of flax seeds

Two tablespoons lemon

Lunch (Apple, Carrot, and Kale smoothie)

Five kale leaves

Half a cup of water

One cucumber

One orange

Two apples

Two carrots

Dinner (Pineapple, Cucumber, and Kale Smoothie)

Five kale leaves

Half a cup of almond milk

Half a pineapple

One apple

One cucumber

One tablespoon cinnamon

Three celery stalks

Final Thought

In summary, incorporating healthy weight loss smoothies into your everyday diet can tremendously benefit your well-being.

You can drink weight loss smoothies to stay hydrated, keep bowel movements regular, or as a natural cleanse.

Printable 7 Day Smoothie Weight Loss Diet Plan (PDF)

7 Day Smoothie Weight Loss Diet Plan
Day 1Day 2Day 3Day 4Day 5 Day 6 Day 7
Breakfast (Creamy Kale-Pineapple Smoothie)Breakfast (Creamy Cucumber and Kale Smoothie)Breakfast (Green Tea Smoothie)Breakfast (Creamy Mango and Oat Smoothie)Breakfast (Pineapple Mint and Orange Smoothie)Breakfast (Pineapple and Ginger Smoothie)Breakfast (Blueberry, Cinnamon, and Spinach Smoothie)
Half a cup waterHalf a cup almond milkOne cup blueberriesHalf a cup low-fat yogurtHalf a cup of waterOne piece of ginger (small)Four spinach leaves
One cup kaleHalf a cup of pineappleQuarter a cup waterHalf a mango (medium-sized)Mint (one handful)Quarter a cup of pineappleOne cup blueberries
One tablespoon almond butterHalf an appleThree green tea teabagsHalf a cup waterOne cup of pineapples (sliced)Two celery stalksOne cup of coconut water
Quarter a cup frozen blueberriesOne cucumber (large)Three tablespoons of flax seedsOne cup oatsThree tablespoons of lemon juiceTwo cups of coconut waterOne tablespoon of flax seeds
Quarter a cup low-fat yogurtTwo celery stalksTwo orangesTwo tablespoons of lemon juiceTwo tablespoons lemon
Quarter a cup pineapple (sliced)Three kale leaves
Lunch (Pineapple Mint Smoothie)Lunch (Berry and Avocado Smoothie)Lunch (Carrot, Ginger, and Tomato Smoothie)Lunch (Creamy Apple, Blueberry, and Spinach Smoothie)Lunch (Creamy Sweet Potato Smoothie)Lunch (Pineapple, Celery, and Cucumber Smoothie)Lunch (Apple Carrot and Kale smoothie)
Half a cup pineapple (sliced)Half a cup of berriesGinger (one piece)Five spinach stalksHalf a cup of natural yogurtHalf a green appleFive kale leaves
Mint (one handful)Half a cup of coconut waterOne tablespoon cinnamonHalf a cup sugarless plain yogurtOne appleOne cucumberHalf a cup of water
One appleHalf an avocadoThree carrotsOne cup blueberriesOne cucumberOne cup pineappleOne cucumber
One orangeFour tablespoons of lemon extractTwo cucumbersOne piece of gingerOne sweet potatoQuarter a cup almond milkOne orange
One tablespoon of cinnamonOne tablespoon of flax seedsTwo tomatoesTwo applesQuarter a cup waterQuarter a cup waterTwo apples
Three spinach leavesOne tablespoon cinnamonTwo celery stalksTwo carrots
Dinner (Cucumber and Kale Smoothie)Dinner (Aloe Vera, Cucumber and Parsley Smoothie)Dinner (Avocado, Banana, and Spinach Smoothie)Dinner (Pineapple Mint and Celery Smoothie)Dinner (Avocado, Banana, and Spinach Smoothie)Dinner (Avocado, Blueberry, and Mango Smoothie)Dinner (Pineapple, Cucumber, and Kale Smoothie)
One appleFive tablespoons of lemon extractOne avocadoHalf a cup of waterFive leaves spinachAvocado (10 slices)Five kale leaves
One cucumberHalf a cup of waterOne bananaMint (one handful)Half an avocado (medium-sized)Half a cup of coconut waterHalf a cup almond milk
One lemon (peeled)One cucumberOne cucumberOne cup pineapple (sliced)One bananaOne cup blueberriesHalf a pineapple
Two celery stalks (medium-sized)Parsley (one handful)Spinach (one handful)Two celery stalksOne cup almond milkQuarter a cup mangoOne apple
Two kale leavesTwo tablespoons of aloe vera extractOne cucumber
One tablespoon cinnamon
Three celery stalks

A 7-day smoothie diet is a good way to test your tolerance to the smoothie diet. If you are happy with your weight loss progress after 7 days, you may be ready for 21 Day smoothie diet plan.

See Also

Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie

1200 Calorie Diet

Galveston Diet

Dr Sebi Food List

Smoothie for Constipation

7 Day Dirty Keto Diet Plan

4000 Calorie Meal Plan

Damla Sengul

Damla Sengul, a seasoned Food Editor at Dietsmealplan.com, boasts a 5-year worth of expertise as a digital editor, with a specific focus on authentic recipe content. Her expertise extends to various crucial aspects of the cookery world, including in-depth research on renowned chefs worldwide and innovative recipe development. Additionally, Damla is an enthusiastic baker who dedicates part of her time crafting delightful celebration cakes for her friends.