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15 Minutes Refined Sugar Free Strawberry Jam Recipe

Refined Sugar Free Strawberry Jam Recipe

If you like jams then keep reading because this refined sugar-free strawberry jam recipe will be the great start you need every morning.

This jam is very easy to prepare and with an intense and healthy flavor. Follow our step by step guide to learn how to make it.

There is nothing more familiar than strawberry jam on warm toast or as a filling to put on our desserts and between layers of cake.

But what if I tell you we can recreate this routine with a healthier version where we don’t sacrifice the taste?

On the contrary, this will be the first time you taste the fruit thoroughly without the additives and preservatives that take away the whole taste.  Frankly, It’s never been easier to consume fruit or share it with your loved ones who you want the best for. I will tell you that.

There is no wrong time to have this treat. Frankly, the only issue you will run into is not having enough.

Sugar Free Strawberry Jam Recipe

Step by Step Refined Sugar Free Strawberry Jam Recipe

A strawberry jam without the refined sugar, or the need for artificial sweeteners. With this recipe, you won’t be giving up the delightful flavor or aroma of the fruit.

And this sweet treat can all be accomplished, in no more than 15 minutes. Not to mention there will be no guilty feeling if you choose to have it twice a day or 3 times.

There will be no judging because all ingredients are natural and good for maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

To prepare our jam recipe, we picked the simplest foundation, which uses strawberries and dates.
However, the variations are endless, such as replacing the fruit and adding chia seeds or any of your favorites.

Just know if adding any seeds, you will need to increase the water in the recipe as seeds consume most of the water, and we don’t want your jam to become a pudding.

Now, would we? In any way, just get out of your comfort zone and try to get with your jam.

Yield: 1

Refined Sugar Free Strawberry Jam Recipe

Sugar Free Strawberry Jam Recipe

Every day, more people choose to live healthier and choose products that are not processed while in the supermarket.

And even more people are willing to try recipes like this refined sugar free strawberry jam recipe where we look for alternatives to sugar.

In any way, you will see how only using natural ingredients is enough to satisfy our sweet tooth and how quickly this can be accomplished.

I dare you to compare this strawberry jam to a store-bought one and see the difference. You will pat yourself on the back!

Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 15 minutes
Total Time 20 minutes


  • 14. oz. organic strawberries, washed and cut in halves
  • 4.8 oz. organic dates, washed, seed removed, and cut
  • 3.2 oz. water


  1. Place the strawberries, dates, and water in a heavy-bottomed saucepan over medium heat, and mash the fruits together to combine them.
  2. I find this process helps them to cook faster and more thoroughly.
  3. Bring the fruit mixture to a boil, stirring occasionally to prevent sticking. The fruit mixture will start to bubble and slowly become a ticker texture.
  4. This is the sign your jam is close to being done.
  5. Wait for it to cool down and run your finger through the spoon. If it leaves a clear mark, your jam is ready to cool down.
  6. When the jam is ready in texture, you can transfer it to your glass jar to completely cool down and store it.
  7. You can also use a food processor to mix your jam for a creamier version without the chunks. This jam can be modified for any taste. Enjoy!

Nutrition Information



Serving Size


Amount Per Serving Calories 15Net Carbohydrates 2gFiber 1gProtein 1g
See Also

Sugar-Free Desserts for Diabetics

21 Day Sugar Detox Recipes

Master Cleanse Recipe

Original Keto Bread Recipe

Foods With No Sugar


I am Andrea! As cooking enthusiast, I take pride in researching and producing diet-friendly recipe videos on daily basis. My goal is to deliver you the healthier versions of meals, desserts, and smoothies so that you can enjoy the taste of your favorite dishes and be healthy.

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