CRAM Diet Plan With Food List | Digestive Recovery Diet


When you have diarrhea, dyspepsia, or gastroenteritis, it’s critical to eat the right foods. Your diet will support your recuperation and help you avoid further complications.

One of the diets you can depend on for such issues is the CRAM diet. 

The CRAM diet comprises cereal, rice, applesauce and milk only.

It helps in the treatment of the underlying cause as well as symptoms such as dehydration, drowsiness, exhaustion and stomach cramps.

It is an ideal diet for individuals who desire to lose weight while also cleansing their bodies.

It is based on the BRAT diet, which has gained popularity in recent years but has been used in Latin America since prehistoric days. That said, let’s take a look at this diet in more detail.

CRAM Diet Foods

A couple of years ago, physicians recommended the BRAT diet for digestive tract issues lasting between 24 and 48 hours, but they didn’t recommend the CRAM diet.

However, the CRAM diet has more dietary content than the BRAT diet. Therefore, let’s see how each ingredient of the CRAM diet provides nourishment and helps cure diarrhea.

Cereal and Rice


CRAM Diet – Cereal and Rice

The fiber in cereal and rice regulates the absorption of carbs and sugars, enhances gastric motility, speeds up digestion, lowers blood sugar, and helps in the detoxification of the body.


Applesauce contains a compound known as pectin, which has a calming effect on the gastrointestinal tract.

Applesauce also boosts protein absorption in the body, reduces cholesterol, and strengthens the immune system.



Milk supplements the diet with lipids and proteins. Milk, in most cases, is thought to aggravate diarrhea; however, that’s not the case.

Milk may benefit children so long as they don’t experience nausea symptoms.

What’s more, dairy/milk products such as yogurt are beneficial when it comes to treating diarrhea because they contain probiotic bacteria. 

According to Dr. John Snyder, a fellow of the AAP (American Academy of Paediatrics), the CRAM diet delivers more comprehensive proteins and fats than the BRAT diet and helps treat diarrhea faster.

He also suggests supplementing the CRAM regimen with an electrolyte drink.

According to the CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention), persons who experience diarrhea symptoms should have a balanced diet.

When it comes to treating diarrhea, the foods you eat and the amount you eat are crucial.

It is critical that your body restores fluids lost due to diarrhea when you become dehydrated. When the vomiting stops and you can drink fluids, you should commence oral rehydration. 

How Does The CRAM Diet Help with Diarrhoea Relief?

Start with the BRAT diet if you have stomach issues. After that, you can progressively transition to a CRAM diet.

The foods in the BRAT diet (banana, rice, applesauce, and bread) have low amounts of dietary fiber but high amounts of starch, making them easy to digest.

Because the BRAT diet is devoid of crucial nutrients, such as proteins, following it for an extended period of time might result in fatigue and lethargy.

It may also have a negative impact on your health.

Untreated dehydration and electrolyte imbalance can lead to serious problems, including hospitalization.

Simple sugars, such as concentrated apple juice, sodas, and sugary cereals, should also be avoided because they can worsen symptoms.

CRAM diet foods, notably milk, give your body the energy it needs to function while also reducing stress on your digestive tract. It’s also handy in the quick recovery of the body.

The CRAM diet shouldn’t be followed for more than 48 hours. In a few days, the gastroenteritis symptoms should go away. But, if the symptoms persist, seek help from a physician.

Contraindications of The CRAM Diet

As you can see, this is not a well-balanced diet, which is why you should only follow it for no more than 48 hours.

Furthermore, it must be emphasized that being severely limited and radical does not imply that it works.

First and foremost, a dramatic shift to such a poor diet will make you hungry, causing your diet to be disrupted.

Moreover, because this diet doesn’t have a maintenance phase, it is possible you’ll regain the pounds you lost as soon as you resume your usual routines.

What’s the Solution?

Because of the severe dehydration caused by diarrhea, the CRAM diet should be coupled with ORT (oral rehydration treatment), which involves the administration of liquids such as caffeine-free soda and smoothies or food-based fluids such as broth to replenish lost fluids. 

The CRAM diet must be supplemented with an electrolyte-replacement beverage.

In addition, consult a physician immediately if your diarrhea symptoms persist or if you develop any dehydration signs, such as dry mouth, lack of urine, lethargy, or an elevated heart rate.

In essence, trying doesn’t cost anything, but if you’re looking for a diet to help you lose weight, consult a dietician who can advise you on the best option for you and your body.

Alternatives to the CRAM Diet



CRAM Diet Plan

The BRAT diet comprises bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast. This is a bland, low-fiber diet, and it lacks vital nutrients such as lipids, minerals, proteins and vitamins.

Toast, for instance, is helpful in the neutralization of gastric acids.

When heated, the starch in bread is broken down into light carbohydrates that the digestive tract can easily break down.

Whole wheat toast is also nutritious and contains soluble fibers that help treat diarrhea symptoms. 


It’s similar to the BRAT diet but with an added component, tea. Tea hydrates the body and helps to prevent electrolyte loss. When on this diet, ensure you consume rehydrating fluids. 

Tea also boosts the body’s defenses against a variety of gastrointestinal problems. You can have either black, green, or oolong tea.

You can also have ginger tea which is very effective in treating diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting symptoms. 




The BRATTY diet comprises banana, rice, applesauce, toast, tea and yogurt. These foods are easily digestible because they are low in fiber and starchy.

Yogurt includes beneficial microorganisms that help with intestinal healing. It’s rich in calcium and proteins, which provide energy.

Only drink unsweetened yogurt, although you can add honey for taste and additional health benefits. 

Final Thought

To sum it all up, you can adopt the CRAM diet if you have gastrointestinal problems but not for more than two days.

In addition is vital that you figure out the cause of your diarrhea, whether it’s a bacterial infection, indigestion, or overfeeding before you settle on this diet.

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Damla Sengul

Damla Sengul, a seasoned Food Editor at, boasts a 5-year worth of expertise as a digital editor, with a specific focus on authentic recipe content. Her expertise extends to various crucial aspects of the cookery world, including in-depth research on renowned chefs worldwide and innovative recipe development. Additionally, Damla is an enthusiastic baker who dedicates part of her time crafting delightful celebration cakes for her friends.