10 Best Low Carb Fruits That Can Do Wonders

Best Low Carb Fruits

We all know the importance of having fruits and vegetables in our daily diets. But very few people know about the contents of each fruit or vegetable.

As per a recent study, one out of four people is diabetic.

This scenario shows most of us follow unhealthy diets. Even if we take fruits daily, we are completely unaware of the sugar quantity and other nutrients in them.

If you are concerned about the calorie or sugar intake or carbs in your body, then you should look for a list of Low Carb Fruits.

Here, we have prepared a list of low-carb fruits for all the fitness freaks and those who want to live a healthy life. Some fruits are high in carbs and sugar, which is not good for your body.

All of us need to know about the sugar and carb levels of fruits that we consume daily.

It helps us maintain the calorie intake which ultimately helps balance the sugar level and calorie level simultaneously.

The Importance of Having Low Carb Fruits

Before we jump on to the list of low carb fruits, we should know about the importance of adding fruits to our daily diet.

We all need a certain number of vitamins and minerals in our bodies to deal with our day-to-day activities. Fruits are full of all the nutrients that our body needs.

Starting from all types of vitamins to minerals and fiber, different types of fruits provide different types of nutrients for our bodies.

The fiber in fruits slower down the absorption of sugar in the main bloodstream. This ultimately prevents you from getting diabetic sooner.

Fruits also prevent you from falling sick as it regulates your body’s metabolism.

Since many people don’t know about which fruit contains what, we have thought of providing detailed information about each fruit that is low in carb and offer you a healthy life.

List of the Low Carb Fruits

1. Watermelon

Low Carb Fruits

Low Carb Fruits – Watermelon

Watermelon is everyone’s favorite seasonal fruit. As the name says Watermelon contains up to 92% water, which is the lowest carb fruit on the list. The dominant water content of watermelon also helps with digestion.

Being a seasonal fruit, it is found in the summertime and gives your body much-needed energy.

Besides the amount of water in the fruit, watermelon is also rich in fiber, which is good for building muscles. Fiber is also good for regulating the digestive system.

Watermelon contains 7.5 grams of carbs in every 100 grams.

If we talk about Vitamins, watermelon is a good source of Vitamin A and Vitamin C.

If you are dealing with obesity or concerned about maintaining your body weight, then you must add Watermelon to your diet.

2. Strawberries

Low Carb Fruits

Low Carb Fruits – Strawberries

Strawberries are juicy red-colored fruits that originated in Europe. They are rich in Vitamins and Antioxidants to keep our body free from unwanted diseases.

Strawberries are highly recommended by medical professionals for diabetic patients due to their natural properties (see also Strawberry Diet).

They also contain plant compounds that reduce the risk of developing heart-related diseases.

Plant compounds are also good for maintaining sugar levels in our bodies which means, by consuming plant compounds the sugar level will be reduced drastically.

Strawberries are a good source of Vitamin A and Vitamin C and they are consumed raw.

They can be used in a variety of recipes and salads or you can consume them directly after cleaning them with normal tap water.

If we talk about carbs, strawberries carry 7.7 grams of carbs per 100 grams. It contains 2gms of fiber and 4.9 gms of sugar.

3. Raspberries

Low Carb Fruits

Low Carb Fruits – Raspberries

Raspberries are juicy fruits with attractive textures. They are a good source of useful Vitamins and Minerals.

Raspberries are low in carbs and packed with vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants. They are also low in sodium.

Raspberries are found in almost every country in different colors. There are four different types of colors you can find across the globe.

Raspberries are available in red, purple, black, and gold. Just like other fruits, they are also reasonable fruits and can be found in specific seasons only.

Every cup of raspberry contains 10 grams of carbs and 8 grams of fiber. Other nutrients such as protein, calories, fat, and sugar are also present.

Being a good source of fiber, they are good for controlling sugar levels and ideal fruit to fight against heart diseases.

4. Peaches

Low Carb Fruits

Low Carb Fruits – Peaches

The next fruit that we have picked for this list is Peaches. Peaches are packed with nutrients and antioxidants. They are also a good source of minerals, vitamins, and plant compounds.

In every 100 grams of peaches, you will get just 8 grams of carbs. Besides this, peaches are good for regulating the digestive system.

Plant compounds reduce the risk of developing heart-related diseases.

Moreover, they are highly recommended to diabetic patients with very few calories and sugar levels.

It maintains blood pressure and reduces cholesterol levels, which are one more benefit to your heart.

Talking about the Vitamins, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, and Vitamin K are present in Peaches. Peaches are good for your skin due to the presence of Vitamin E and other nutrients.

5. Avocados

Low Carb Fruits

Low Carb Fruits – Avocados

Avocados are creamy green-colored fruits. Avocados are becoming more famous day by day as they are now easily available and can be found in every region of the world.

Avocados carry only 8.5 grams of carbs in every 100 grams. Excellent source of all types of nutrients such as potassium, manganese, copper, niacin, vitamins, and other minerals.

Besides all these nutrients, avocados are a good source of fiber, which is good for the digestive system.

It regulates your digestive system and keeps your body healthy. It is also good for the cardiovascular system that keeps your body free from heart-related diseases.

6. Blackberries

Low Carb Fruits

Low Carb Fruits – Blackberries

Blackberries are yet another entry to this list due to their excellent amount of nutrients and minerals. Blackberries are juicy, black-colored fruits that are deliciously tasty.

Blackberries have less amount of carbs, in every 100 grams, there are only 10 grams of carbs.

This dark fruit is a good source of antioxidants, which keep our metabolism system functioning properly. High antioxidants keep your body healthy and free from developing heart diseases.

Besides anti-oxidants, they are also carrying fructose, which is a source of good fat. The amount of fiber in Blackberries is also high which is good for the digestive system.

7. Pineapple

Low Carb Fruits

Low Carb Fruits – Pineapple

Pineapple is yet another tasty fruit on the list that we all consume. Pineapple is also a seasonable fruit and can be found in every corner of the world.

They are easily available and can be consumed in a variety of ways.

In every 100 grams of pineapple, you will get only 11 grams of carbs. Pineapple is a good source of manganese, which maintains your body’s nervous system.

Manganese helps keep your body functioning properly as it regulates the absorption of calcium in your body.

Moreover, pineapple regulates your digestive system with the presence of fiber. It’s a natural source of a useful enzyme for regulating the digestive system called bromelain.

8. Star Fruit

Low Carb Fruits

Low Carb Fruits – Star Fruit

Star Fruit is a unique juicy fruit that offers several health benefits which makes it a good choice to add to your daily diet.

It’s a citric fruit which is not good for those suffering from certain health conditions.

In every 100 grams, Start Fruit contains 8.9 grams of carbs. Initially, the fruit was available in limited regions.

However, it is now easily available across the globe. The fruit is loaded with plant compounds that are good for the body’s vascular system.

Due to their powerful antioxidant property, Start Fruits are highly recommended to weak people.

It can reduce blood sugar and maintain the functionality of the liver. It also regulates your body’s metabolism system which offers you a healthy body.

9. Cantaloupe

Cantaloupe is yet another watery fruit just like Watermelon. It is an excellent source of primary Vitamins i.e., Vitamin A and Vitamin C.

It contains up to 90% of water, which keeps our body hydrated.

In every 100 grams, Cantaloupe contains 10 grams of carbs. Besides this, the fruit also contains other nutrients which are good for our body.

The fruit contains other useful nutrients such as fiber, potassium, protein, sodium, vitamins, etc.

It’s a fat-less fruit that is good for diabetic people. With just one cup of its serving, cantaloupes can provide up to 72% of your daily intake of nutrients.

It is good for the health of your eyes and keeps your body hydrated due to 90% of the water volume in it. It’s a seasonal fruit and can be found during the summertime.

10. Plums

Low Carb Fruits

Low Carb Fruits – Plums

Plums are small, red-colored, juicy fruit that can be eaten differently. Some people consume ripen plums while others consume them as dry fruit after drying them up.

Plums are a good source of excellent nutrients.

In every 100 grams of plums, you will get 8 grams of carbs. Plums are also a good source of essential nutrients such as protein, fat, fiber, sugar, calcium, magnesium, folate, vitamins, and more.

There are many health benefits of plums such as the prevention of heart diseases, reducing anxiety, maintaining blood sugar, reducing high blood pressure, providing relief in constipation, and more.

Add a couple of plums to your daily diet to see the magical benefits of it.

The Bottom Line:

Fruits are the primary source of nutrients, minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants.

The nutritional values of each fruit are different and for that reason, not all fruits are good for your body, especially if you are suffering from a known disease.

The above-listed low-carb fruits are easily available in all parts of the world. They are low in carb and also good for maintaining your health.

They keep your body free from diseases and also prevent you from developing heart diseases.

Explore the above list, get to know about the level of carbs in each fruit, and start consuming them accordingly. Add fruits to your daily diet if you want to live a healthy life.

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