1300 Calorie Low Carb Meal Plan

1300 Calorie Low Carb Meal Plan – Overview

Have you ever wondered how those celebs and fitness enthusiasts achieve that toned body and physique? Well, this 1300 calorie low carb meal plan is here to answer all your questions in the same context.

Over the years, carbs have been deemed the human body’s primary energy source. Still, it has only recently been figured out that not every carb is healthy for our bodies.

With more carbs and fewer proteins & fibers on their platter, people have become prone to various health issues like obesity.

So, is there a diet plan that can help you lower your carb consumption without impacting your energy levels?

Yes, there is and the same is known as a 1300 calorie low carb meal plan.

What is a 1300 calorie low carb meal plan?

This meal plan is about keeping your daily calorie intake within 1300 calories while minimizing your daily carbs intake to the lowest levels.

Now that you know the whole concept of this low carb meal plan, you must also stay updated about foods that must be consumed or avoided during the diet plan.

Food items that must be consumed during the 1300 calorie low carb meal plan

  • Meat- Any meat like Pork, Lamb, beef, or red meat would be delicate.
  • Seafood and Fish- Fish like salmon, mackerel, or sardines are highly recommended.
  • Eggs- Eggs can be consumed in all forms i.e. boiled, scrambled, omelet or else
  • Fresh vegetables- All the veggies that grow above the ground and get low starch can be consumed. For example, Broccoli, Kale, Spinach, Bok choy, Asparagus, etc.
  • Dairy products- You can opt for all the excellent and low-fat options of dairy products like butter, cream, milk, cheese, and yogurt.
  • Nuts- All kinds of nuts like walnuts, almonds, and cashews
  • Fruits- Fresh fruits like berries, pineapple, and coconut that are low in sugar must be consumed.

Foods that must be avoided during the 1300 calorie low carb meal plan

  • Food items like cakes, candies, desserts, fruit drinks, and juices that are loaded with all starch and sugars must be avoided
  • All types of flours and grains that are high in carbs
  • Bread, buns, pasta, and muesli
  • High-calorie fruits like mangoes and grapes are also loaded with fruit sugars.
  • Artificial sweeteners

Sample weekly 1300 calorie low carb meal plan

DayBreakfastSnack 1LunchSnack 2DinnerTotal Calories
Monday1 serving of Garlic omelet2 servings of cucumber avocado salad2 servings of Cheese slices2 servings of pistachio-crusted goat cheese balls1 serving of easy grilled chicken with 2 servings of hard-boiled eggs1288
Tuesday4 servings of scrambled eggs with vegetables1 serving of plain tuna saladAlmonds (2 oz)4 cups of strawberry-flavored water with 1 serving of cheese slices1 serving of sautéed flank steak and onions with Cheddar cheese1312
Wednesday1 serving of Curry cheddar scrambled eggs with 2 strips of bacon1 serving of Turkey lettuce rollups1 AvocadoAlmonds (1 oz)1 serving of Chicken cabbage salad1289
Thursday1 serving of scrambled eggs1 serving of Tuna Mex salad1 serving of Arugula salad with 1 serving of cheese slices1 Apple with Almond butter1 serving of Chicken Ceaser salad with 4 easy parmesan crisps1298
FridayEasy to peel hardboiled eggs (4)Almonds (1 oz)1 serving of Lemon avocado salad1 serving of Tuna stuffed pepper1 serving of baked Kale chips1311
Saturday1 serving of Omelet loaded with vegetablesAlmonds (1 oz)1 AvocadoOranges (2)1 serving of Balsamic chicken salad with 2 servings of hardboiled eggs1323
Sunday1 cup of raspberry Greek yogurt1 serving of Cottage cheese with raspberriesAlmonds (2 oz)Oranges (2)1 serving of Fried eggs with bacon and Radish1325

Summing it up

You may find loads of diet plans on the internet but there is no point in following them until you cannot give your 100 %. The same holds for this 1300 calorie low carb meal plan.

If you follow it with all the discipline and hardcore commitment, the desired outcome is rightly waiting for you at the other end.

See Also

1300 calorie vegetarian meal plan

Low Carb Lunch Ideas (With Recipes)

Low Carb Smoothie Recipes

Original Keto Bread Recipe

1300 Calorie High Protein Meal Plan

Damla Sengul

Damla Sengul, a seasoned Food Editor at Dietsmealplan.com, boasts a 5-year worth of expertise as a digital editor, with a specific focus on authentic recipe content. Her expertise extends to various crucial aspects of the cookery world, including in-depth research on renowned chefs worldwide and innovative recipe development. Additionally, Damla is an enthusiastic baker who dedicates part of her time crafting delightful celebration cakes for her friends.