Zero Carb Diet Plan (With Food List)

Zero Carb Diet Plan

Zero carb diet plan means not consuming even one gram of carbs, even if they are available in fruits, grains, and vegetables.

While numerous reports state that cutting down on carbs may have a number of health benefits and can help you lose weight.

According to reports, a low-carb diet can help lower blood pressure, blood sugar, and triglycerides. In addition, they can also improve the pattern of bad cholesterol and lift-up good cholesterol. 

One study found that a low-carb diet can reduce a person’s appetite, resulting in fewer calories and helping them lose more weight more easily than other diets. (Source)

Let us discuss what is included in the zero-carb diet plan, its benefits, drawbacks, and ingredients to avoid and eat.

About Zero Carb Diet Plans

A zero carb diet plan is a pattern of not eating ingredients that include fruits, beans, grains, vegetables, legumes, pasta, yogurt, milk, baked goods, bread, and many others.

People who have to follow a no-carb diet plan should avoid these ingredients and instead consume food that contains fat or protein, such as fish, meats, eggs, butter, oils, and cheese.

Like the keto diet, a zero-carb diet plan limits your carb count to less than 30 grams per day and prompts you to consume 70 percent more of your regular calories from fat. (Source)

Food to Eat in a Zero Carb Diet Plan

Zero Carb Diet Plans

Zero Carb Diet Plans Foods List

On a zero carb diet plan, foods usually suggested to consume are as follows:

#1. Zero Calories Beverage

  • Plain Tea
  • Black Coffee
  • Water

#2. Low-Carb Animal Products and Meat

  • Chicken
  • Beef
  • Lamb
  • Turkey
  • Pork
  • Butter
  • Lard
  • Cheese
  • Venison

#3. Seasonings

  • Herbs and Spices

#4. Seafood

  • Salmon
  • Cod
  • Shrimp
  • Sardines
  • Crab
  • Herring
  • Tilapia

#5. Seeds and Nuts

  • Walnuts
  • Pumpkin Seeds
  • Almonds
  • Sunflower Seeds
  • Pistachios
  • Cashews

List of Ingredients You Should Avoid

A zero carb diet plan reduces numerous food groups and is highly limiting. These ingredients include:

#1. Baked treats and Sweets

  • Cookies
  • Sodas
  • Cake
  • Sugary drinks, etc.

#2. Starchy Vegetables

  • Potatoes
  • Peas
  • Corn
  • Squash

#3. Grains

  • Barley
  • Farro
  • Rice
  • Quinoa
  • Bread
  • Wheat
  • Pasta

#4. Fruits

  • Oranges
  • Apples
  • Berries
  • Kiwi
  • Pears
  • Bananas

#5. Condiments with added sugar

  • Salad dressings
  • Ketchup
  • Barbecue sauce

#6. Alcohol

  • Wine
  • Beer
  • Sugar Mixed drinks
  • Liquor

#7. Legumes and beans

  • Kidney beans
  • Black beans
  • Chickpeas
  • Lentils

#8. Dairy products

  • Yogurt and Milk

Tips to Follow Zero Carb Diet Plan

 Some experts suggest consuming 20 to 50 grams of carbs per day, although no specific data or calculations have been found online. In simple words, avoid all high-carb foods when you are on a no-carb diet.

You should control baked goods, refined & whole grains, legumes, milk, fruits, bread, starchy vegetables, sugar-loaded beverages, pasta, and starchy vegetables, corn, and peas.

Few food and drinks are allowed on a zero-carb diet, including plain coffee, cheese, eggs, fish, meat, oils, butter, water, and tea.

To keep your diet less strict, you can also eat seeds, nuts, high-fat fruits like coconut, non-starchy vegetables, and foods that are less in overall carbs.

There is no specific suggestion for regular calorie consumption or counting size as this diet plan highlights controlling a certain macronutrient.

What are the Benefits of a Zero Carb Diet Plan?

#1. Help in Weight loss

One of the biggest benefits of a no-carb meal is helping you work on extreme weight loss. Altering carbs with fat or protein can feel fuller, which can lead to promoting weight loss (Source 1, Source 2).

Additionally, due to a fast drop in water weight, low-carb food generally encourages fasten weight loss in the first few days, because every gram of carbs posses around 3 grams of water in your body. (Source 3)

#2. Controls your blood sugar level

Reducing your intake of carbs, especially sugar and refined carbs, can help keep blood sugar in check, resulting in a beneficial effect for diabetics (Source). Keto diets and low-carb foods can also help eliminate blood sugar levels.

Controlling the carb count can prevent spikes in blood sugar, and therefore help prevent diabetic deficiencies. However, it’s important not to cut carbs out of your plan entirely, as diabetes can be a controller even on a high-carb diet.

#3. Good for heart

Reducing carb intake can be good for heart health. Typically, some low-carb diets are shown to lower blood triglyceride levels.

One study state that a low-carb meal plan may also reduce the level of good cholesterol. This type of food intake can help assist against heart disease (Source)


#1. May lack some vital nutrients

#2. Low energy may cause constipation

#3. May cause bloating


A Zero-carb diet can be more limiting than Keto, based on what you pick to add to your plan. You can also consume food containing high fiber.

To lose weight and control blood sugar levels, some people eliminate their daily carbs count by reducing them to about 50 to 150 grams per day.

So, if you are planning a zero carb diet plan for weight loss or any other health condition, you should look at the above-given diet plan.

See Also

Zero Carb Snacks

Master Cleanse Recipe

Low Glycemic Foods List

What Soups Can I Eat With Diverticulitis

800 Calorie Diet Plan

Elimination Diet Food List

Ulcer Diet Food List

Pancreatitis Diet Food List