Dukan Diet Made Easy | Simple and Quick Start

A Dukan diet made easy. Too much noise about this innovative diet? You don’t need deep research on the Dukan diet to get started. How?

Compared to other types of diets, including Keto, the Dukan diet utilizes minimal fat consumption.

The underlying philosophy of the Dukan diet is built on the fact that fat is much worse than carbohydrates. It makes it clear that fats are mostly a danger to our health.

Most calories and nutrients in the Dukan diet come from protein, which provides more fulfillment than carbohydrates, with fewer calories than fat.

This diet also encourages the person to become active with some physical activity, especially walking and taking the stairs to work.

A unique component of this diet is considering factors such as weight history, gender, age, bone structure, and other parameters to let the person have a realistic weight-loss goal.

Dukan Diet Made Easy – What to Eat

For the uninitiated, the Dukan diet consumes 68 low-fat protein-rich foods during the first phase. It adds 32 non-starchy vegetables during the next stage.

With that said, given below is the list of food items one can consume during the third phase, which forms most of the diet.

Moreover, non-compliant items were added back during the Consolidation and Stabilization phase of the Dukan diet.

What to Eat

Dukan diet made easy

Dukan diet made easy – What to eat

The following are the items that you can consume during the Dukan diet.

  1. Skinless poultry
  2. Eggs
  3. Oat Bran
  4. Lemon Juice
  5. Diet Gelatin
  6. Pickles
  7. Olive oil
  8. Bell peppers
  9. Spaghetti squash
  10. Green beans
  11. Turnips
  12. Pumpkin
  13. Carrots and Beets
  14. Artificial Sweeteners
  15. Shirataki noodles
  16. Eggplant
  17. Tomatoes
  18. Mushroom
  19. Fish and Shellfish
  20. Leafy Greens, including Spinach, Kale, and Lettuce
  21. Broccoli, Cauliflower, Cabbage, and Brussels Sprouts
  22. Onions, Leeks, and Shallots
  23. Non-fat dairy products, including Milk, Yogurt, Cottage Cheese, and Ricotta
  24. Lean beef, pork, veal, bison, and venison
  25. Asparagus, artichokes, celery, and cucumbers

You might notice that the Dukan diet is one of the high-protein diets for those looking to lose a little weight.

Foods to Avoid on the Dukan Diet

Foods to avoid

Yes, with a whole list of foods that you can eat also comes a list of items to avoid at all costs, which include:

  1. Butter
  2. Alcohol
  3. Sugar
  4. Legumes
  5. Fruit
  6. Bread, pasta, and rice
  7. High-fat meat items, including Bacon
  8. Cheese
  9. Fried foods
  10. Nuts
  11. Avocados
  12. Potatoes
  13. Non-skim dairy products
  14. Salad dressing, including mayonnaise and other sweetened condiments

Dukan Diet Made Easy – The Perfect Time

The good news is that the Dukan diet does not require you to fast or follow any complicated meal times. However, it restricts foods on specific days during the diet.

For example, during the cruise phase, one must switch between consuming only protein and eating vegetables. It helps a person with metabolism and starts their weight loss regimen.

Moreover, alternate days can range from one to five days of a protein diet, followed by days of protein and vegetables. Diet experts recommend longer alternation cycles for those with much weight to lose.

Lastly, one day every week is for consuming pure protein during the consolidation phase. In other words, the Dukan diet is a protein diet providing the individual with a boost of energy and weight loss.

The Pros and Cons

Every type of dieting comes with its fair share of benefits and disadvantages. Similarly, we have come up with some pros and cons of the Dukan diet.

The Pros

  • The Dukan diet is an effective measure to lose those extra pounds quickly and sustain the weight. It also permits one to consume lean protein, which helps to keep one’s stomach full, which means one would not go hungry.
  • It has a more extended consolidation phase, which helps move from weight loss to long-term weight maintenance.

The Cons

  • A significant concern for those planning to undergo a Dukan diet is that it restricts the consumption of many food items, making it hard for the body to get the right nutrition.
  • Approximately half the days in this diet include not consuming vegetables, which creates a lack of vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients in the body.
  • Moreover, minimal salt consumption reduces the taste of meals and makes it harder to stick to the diet. Some individuals need to consume more salt during the first weeks, as there is sodium and water weight.

Lastly, the additional claims lack scientific backing, especially regarding fat reserves converting into glucose for energy.

Although the Dukan diet is highly effective, many still find it unattractive, as it has a strict regimen to follow.

See Also

Complete list of Dukan diet foods