Low Carb Chicken Recipes

3 Low Carb Chicken Recipes

The low-carb chicken recipes are perfect for all those fitness freaks who want to make the most out of their fitness diet without compromising on their taste buds.

While being one of the best protein sources available around, Chicken can prove to be a handy ingredient for your keto diet plan as well.

So, all you need to do is couple it with some fresh veggies and healthy fats and the result will be an amazingly delicious keto chicken recipe.

That said, let’s take a sneak peek into some of the most famous low carb chicken recipes around.

Recommended list of Low carb chicken recipes

1. Low carb chicken drumsticks

Low carb chicken recipes

Low carb chicken recipes – Chicken drumsticks

It’s not every time that you have to walk up to a restaurant to get the best taste of a chicken recipe.

With this low carb chicken drumstick recipe, you can satisfy your taste buds without hampering your weight loss goals.

For the preparation part, you need some core ingredients like Chicken drumsticks, yogurt, olive oil, pork rinds, shredded coconut, and salt & pepper as per taste.

Once the ingredients have been sourced, mix them and pour them into a plastic bag with the drumsticks.

Shake the mix gently to let the marinating go smoothly around the drumsticks.

Once done, place the drumsticks onto the baking dish and sprinkle olive oil, salt, pepper, and all the condiments.

Bake it for around 15 minutes in Oven until the drumsticks turn golden brown. Remove and serve it with your favorite herb, salsa, or mayo dip.

2. Low carb roasted chicken with garlic butter and broccoli

Low carb chicken recipes

Low carb chicken recipes – Roasted chicken with garlic butter and broccoli

This recipe is a perfect blend of protein, healthy carbs, and healthy fats. Now, this is where it can be deemed as a perfect low carb chicken recipe on our list.

You would fall in love with its rich, wholesome taste that carries some Italian twist alongside it.

Speaking of the ingredient list, you need some chicken legs, garlic powder, Olive oil, Italian seasoning, salt & pepper for taste, broccoli, and garlic butter.

Let ingredients come to room temperature before you put them for cooking. Once done, let the chicken legs be seasoned with olive oil, salt, pepper, and condiments.

Place the chicken legs in the baking dish and let it bake for around 45 minutes or until it becomes crispy golden brown.

Start ahead with the preparation of garlic butter and roasted broccoli on the other side ( you do have the option to buy the organic garlic butter from the market).

Brocolli can be roasted while applied with some black pepper, salt, and Italian seasoning on top.

This way, you can easily complement the taste of chicken and garlic butter prepared separately.

Once the chicken is perfectly cooked, take it out of the oven and serve it hot with broccoli and garlic butter on the sides.

3. Low carb chicken fajitas

Low carb chicken recipes

Low carb chicken recipes – Chicken fajitas

Here comes a recipe that is quite apt for all those busy weekdays when you’re running out of time to prepare low-carb chicken recipes.

Besides being simple, this recipe is exceptionally rich in taste and nutrition at the same time.

From onions to peppers, to chicken to cheese – you will get a perfect blend of flavors and texture on a single meal platter.

You can use the leftover chicken from the previous day for this recipe and other ingredients like cream cheese, red bell peppers, yellow onion, shredded cheese, and some olive oil.

Once the ingredients have been sourced, cut down the roasted chicken into bite-sized slices.

While you do that, also chop down the peppers and onions alongside. Afterward, gently mix all the ingredients on a baking sheet.

Once the ingredients have been placed on the baking sheet, pour the remaining cheese on top of the mix and let it bake for around 15 minutes. Keep checking for the desired texture while it gets baked in the oven.

Once you see the crust turning golden brown, remove the mix from the oven and serve it hot with some mixed green salad and olive oil on the sides.

Bottomline for Low carb chicken recipes

These low carb chicken recipes are sure-shot winners in taste, texture, and aroma.

Moreover, they quickly go on par with your daily nutritional requirements. So, what are you waiting for? Start binging on their rich and heavenly taste without worrying about health.

See Also

Keto Chicken Recipes

Low Carb Blueberry Smoothie

2000 Calorie Shake

Damla Sengul

Damla Sengul, a seasoned Food Editor at Dietsmealplan.com, boasts a 5-year worth of expertise as a digital editor, with a specific focus on authentic recipe content. Her expertise extends to various crucial aspects of the cookery world, including in-depth research on renowned chefs worldwide and innovative recipe development. Additionally, Damla is an enthusiastic baker who dedicates part of her time crafting delightful celebration cakes for her friends.