Candida Diet Food List (All Categories)

Candida Diet Food List

Did you know that you could treat Candida overgrowth with an appropriate and healthy Candida diet?

Yes, you can treat Candida naturally and safely with food without the fear of any adverse effects.

This article looks at the most appropriate Candida Diet Food List.  Before then, here is a brief explanation of what Candida is.

What is Candida?

Our bodies contain a multitude of fungi, with the Candida genus of yeast being one of them.

Typically, Candida fungus is present in modest levels on the skin, the intestines and around the mouth. At normal levels of concentration, the fungus is not harmful.

However, when it starts to spread aggressively, Candida causes a yeast infection called candidiasis.

Candida is by far the most prevalent fungus that causes fungal infections in people. The beneficial bacteria in the body help to keep it under control,

Any alteration of the good bacteria levels in the body impairs the immune system, leading to an overproduction of Candida.

Some of the elements that can contribute to Candida overgrowth are:

  • Alcohol
  • Antibiotics
  • Compromised immune system
  • Consuming a diet that is heavy in sugar and processed carbohydrates
  • Diabetes
  • High-stress levels
  • Oral contraceptives

What Should You Include In Your Candida Diet List?

Your Candida diet food list should have

  1. Non-starchy veggies
  2. Low Sugar Fruits
  3. Lean Animal Proteins
  4. Low Lactose Dairy Products
  5. Gluten-Free Grains and Pseudo Cereals
  6. Herbs, Spices, and Condiments
  7. Oils and Fats
  8. Low Mold Nuts and seeds
  9. Non-Caffeinated Beverages
  10. Natural Sweeteners

Your diet should be the first thing to investigate if you like your gut is acting up. A high-sugar, processed-food diet can lead to recurring yeast infections, stomach problems, and reduced immunity.

Eating the proper meals, on the other hand, helps rebalance your stomach and prevent unpleasant symptoms.

Below is a list of the appropriate diet to take for Candida, grouped in parts for easier reading and understanding.

Non-Starchy Vegetables

Candida Diet Food List

Non-Starchy Vegetables

Candida colonies thrive in natural sugar, and they get that from starchy and sugary food items. You can replace your starchy vegetables with non-starchy ones.

Even though you do not have to eliminate starchy veggies from your diet, you can reduce their intake.

Fortunately, you have a wide variety of non-starchy veggies you can put down on your list. Even though they are low in carbs, they contain micronutrients that are good for the body.

Fresh Leafy greens should be at the top of your list. You can consume them steamed, raw, or grilled.

Here is the Candida diet list of the non-starchy veggies you need to fight the fungus.

Brussels sprouts
Garlic (raw)

The starchy vegetables that you should take in moderation include

  • Potatoes
  • Carrots
  • Butternut squash
  • Beetroot
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Parsnips
  • Beans
  • Peas

Low Sugar Fruits

Honeydew Melon

High sugar fruits you should not include in your list are

  • Lychee
  • Cherries
  • Grapes
  • Figs

Low Lactose Dairy Products

Sugar is one of the main components Candida needs to grow and overproduce. Most dairy products contain lactose, which works well for Candida growth.

Digesting lactose is also challenging for some people. In addition, any dairy product with added sugars is another product you should avoid.

They not only aid in Candida overgrowth, but they are also likely to raise your blood sugar levels, which is what Candida feeds on.

However, some dairy products contain low lactose levels.

They are the ones you should include in your list. They are:

Probiotic yogurt
Heavy Cream
Some protein powders such as Whey Concentrate, Whey Isolate, Whey Hydrolysate

Dairy products to avoid

  • Whole and skimmed milk
  • Ice cream

Lean Animal Proteins

Candida Diet Food List

Candida Diet Food List – Lean Animal Proteins

Protein is an essential component of any diet, especially in the case of the Candida diet. Restricting carbohydrates in your diet means losing calories your body needs for efficient well-being.

However, you can replenish the lost calories with proteins and fats.

Not all proteins are suitable for the Candida diet. Stick to lean protein products and eliminate high protein products.

The lean protein products to include on your list are as follows.

Wild raised fish (Salmon, Sardines, herring)

High protein products to avoid are:

  • Red, processed (deli), or organ meat
  • Farm-raised fish

Gluten-Free Grains and Pseudo Cereals

Candida Diet Food List

Candida Diet Food List – Gluten-Free Grains and Pseudo Cereals

Grains such as wheat, barley, rye, and certain other cereals contain high gluten levels. Ingesting meals containing gluten leads to impairment of the small intestine for some people.

Such injury to the intestinal wall inhibits the ability of the small intestines to process food nutrients effectively.  

Delayed treatment can result in malnutrition and deterioration of specific other organs.

Your Candida diet list should not include gluten-rich grains because of the inflammation such products can cause in your gut.

Instead, it would help if you chose the following gluten-free grains and pseudocereals.

Yellow Corn
Brown Rice
Wild Rice

What you should not include in your Candida diet list

  • Oats (unless they are specified to be non-gluten)
  • Wheat
  • Rye
  • Barley
  • Spelt
  • Amelcorn
  • Small spelt
  • Unripe spelt grain

Herbs, Spices, and Condiments

Herbs and spices are a favorite for many people because of the flavor they add to any recipe. Besides the taste, they also have immense health benefits.

Herbs and spices contain potent antioxidants that reduce inflammation. They also contain antifungal properties that inhibit Candida Albican’s growth.

Choosing the right condiments for your Candida diet, on the other hand, is challenging. Many dressings in the grocery store contain prohibited Candida diet ingredients.

However, you can still get a few that inhibit Candida yeast growth.

Here is a list of the herbs, spices, and condiments you should include in your Candida diet list.

Black Pepper
Apple cider vinegar
Coconut Amino

Oils and Fats

All our body cells have a protective exterior layer of fat surrounding them. Consuming good fats and high-quality oils strengthens the membranes, leading to better performance. They also contain anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties.

Furthermore, they help balance the body’s cravings for sugar, thus inhibiting Candida albicans from getting what it needs for overgrowth.

The good fats and oils to include in your list are:

Avocado oil
Chia Seed
Coconut oil
Fish Oil
Flax seed oil
Olive oil
Safflower oil
Sunflower oil

Low Mold Nuts and Seeds

Candida Diet Food List

Candida Diet Food List – Low Mold Nuts and Seeds

Candida diet advocates for the avoidance of certain nuts prone to mold. The reason is that mold leads to fungal contamination, which worsens Candida’s overgrowth.

The list of low mold nuts and seeds to include on your list are as follows.

Pumpkin Seeds
Sunflower Seeds

Nuts you should avoid

  • Pistachios
  • Cashews
  • Peanuts

Non-Caffeinated Beverages

A morning cup of steaming hot coffee always feels like the best way to start your day, but if you have Candida albicans, you might need to go easy on caffeinated beverages.

It would be best if you also went easy on regular teas.

If you take caffeinated drinks in excess, your adrenaline and sugar levels rise, which impairs the immune system.

You need a robust immune system to fight Candida albicans, so the following list of alternative beverages should be the ones on your diet list.

Chicory root coffee
Other teas bedsides regular tea –ginger, dandelion, herbal, nettle leaf, peppermint, chamomile, cinnamon, and licorice
Almond milk
Mixed veggie juice
Select fruit juices and smoothies (choose fruits with low sugar content to make your drinks)

Natural Sweeteners

Sugars are the primary source of nutrition for Candida albicans, which allows them to grow and spread, form biofilms, and construct their cell walls.

Candida may be responsible for your sugar cravings because the yeast needs sugar to develop.

Natural sweeteners have low carbs, and besides fighting Candida Albicans, they benefit your overall health. The sweeteners you need on your Candida diet list are:

Monk Fruit Extract

Prevent Candida overgrowth by using natural sugars and doing away with processed sugar products.

Final Words

Even though Candida albicans is not life-threatening, it can be a great nuisance. You need to have a robust immune system to fight off fungal infections.

You can treat Candida with medication, but you still need to eat healthily and have the proper diet to fight off the infection.

The above Candida food diets with a list of ingredients will help curb the condition.

See Also

Carnivore Diet Food List

List of Keto Vegetables

Diabetic Diet Food List

BRAT Diet Food List