Vitamin B12 Foods List | 14 Foods to Super-charge Your Organs

Vitamin B12 Foods List

The body needs vitamins and other minerals for the proper functioning of all its organs. One of the body’s essential nutrients is vitamin B12, found in various animal-based foods.

Those whose diets do not provide enough vitamin B12 should consult their healthcare Vitamin B12 Foods List specialists about the most appropriate supplements.

The following article delves into the vitamin B12-rich foods available, health benefits, recommended intake, and deficiency symptoms.

What is Vitamin B12?

Vitamin B12, also known as cobalamin, is a water-soluble vitamin absorbed and utilized more readily by the body.

Unlike the fat-soluble vitamins, which the body stores in fat tissue, the body does not usually store these vitamins in the body.

Instead, the body stores Vitamin B12 in the liver until the cells need it.

Vegetarians, women who are pregnant or nursing, and others at risk of deficiency may want to keep a close eye on their diets to ensure they are getting enough vitamin B12.

What are The Health Benefits Of Vitamin B12?

Vitamin B12 Foods List

Vitamin B12 Foods List – What Are The Health Benefits Of Vitamin B12?

Vitamin B12 has the following health benefits.

Helps In Treating and Preventing Depression

Because vitamin B12 helps create serotonin in the body, a deficit could lead to clinical depression. Increased vitamin B12 levels improve the possibility of remission from clinical depression.

Reduced Chances of Developing Eye Problems 

Boosting your nutrient intake with vitamin B12 can help to lower homocysteine levels in the bloodstream, which may aim to minimize age-related macular degeneration.

This eye disease can cause blindness in senior citizens.

Minimizes Health Concerns during Pregnancy-

An uncorrected vitamin B12 deficiency in a pregnant woman during the first trimester of her pregnancy could lead to the risk of neural tube birth abnormalities and low birth weight infants.

Maternal B12 deficiency is also associated with a higher risk of miscarriage and preterm birth.

Improves Brain Health

 Neurons in the brain rely on Vitamin B12 for their health. Dementia and memory loss conditions linked to brain atrophy lead to neurons beginning to die off.

How Much Vitamin B12 is Necessary for The Healthy Functioning of The Body?

Vitamin B12 requirements vary from one person to the next depending on age, sex, lactating, or pregnancy. The recommended intakes are:

Age Intake

  • 14 years and over 4 mcg
  • 9–13 years 8 mcg
  • 4–8 years 2 mcg
  • 1–3 years 9 mcg
  • 7–12 months 5 mcg
  • 0–6 months 4 mcg
  • During pregnancy 6 mcg
  • Breastfeeding women 8 mcg

Vitamin B12 Food List

Vitamin B12 Food List

The following are foods rich in vitamin B12.

1. Clams– Vitamin B12 levels in seafood, particularly clams, are exceptionally high. An 84.1 mcg serving of cooked clams is present in a 3-ounce portion.

Vitamin B12 Foods List


2. Eggs– 0.6 mcg of vitamin B12 are present in one big egg.

3. Fortified Breakfast: Breakfast cereals are an excellent place to get their B12 fix for vegans. The quantity may vary from one brand to the next. Seek out foods that provide 100 percent of the recommended daily intake in a single serving size or portion. Fortified breakfast contains between 8.3 and 24 mcg of vitamin B12.

4. Fortified nutritional yeast: Saccharomyces cerevisiae is the yeast strain used to make nutritional yeast. It’s a nutty, umami powder used in vegetarian and vegan cuisine to replace the flavor of missing meat. Fortified yeast contains 17.6 mcg of vitamin B12.

5. Ham– Except for folate, all B vitamins are present in ham. Ham is also lower in calories, fat, and cholesterol than most other meats. 3 oz of ham contains 0.6 mcg of vitamin B12 nutrients.


6. Liver– Animals and humans alike store excess vitamin B12 in their livers, making the liver an excellent supply of vitamin B12. There are 70.7 micrograms in a three-ounce meal of beef liver.

7. Milk– 1.3 mcg of Vitamin B12 are present in a cup of milk. Vitamin D and calcium are also important for our bodies to function correctly. Choosing low-fat or skim milk products is the best way to minimize calories and fat from your diet.

8. Cheddar cheese-In one and a half oz of cheddar cheese, you get 0.6 mcg of vitamin B12.

9. Red meat – A 3-ounce serving of top sirloin steak has 1.4 mcg, while a double cheeseburger has 2.1 mcg.

Vitamin B12 Foods List – Red meat

10. Salmon– 4.8 mcg are present in salmon. Salmon is also an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids, which are beneficial to our health.

11. Shiitake Mushrooms– 5.6-mcg vitamin B12 is present in abundance in Shiitake Mushrooms. However, to achieve your vitamin B12 needs, you’ll need to consume 50-60 grams of dried mushrooms each day and other vegetarian options like whey powder and paneer.

12. Trout-There are many nutrients in trout, making it an excellent protein source. Vitamin B12 is in abundance in a single fillet at 5.4 mcg. Other B vitamins and minerals are also present in trout, which is a good source of protein. It also contains 3 ounces of sockeye.

13. Tuna-Canned tuna fish has 2.5 mcg of vitamin B12 per three ounces, more than enough to meet your daily requirements.

Vitamin B12 Foods List

Vitamin B12 Foods List – Tuna

14. Yogurt-Yogurt is an excellent source of vitamin B12 at 1.3 for 6 oz, calcium, and vitamin D, as well as beneficial bacteria. Select products that do not contain any added sugar.

What Are The Common Vitamin B12 Deficiency Symptoms?  

One of the main symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency is anemia. A minor nutrient deficit might not manifest itself with any symptoms, but if left untreated, it could lead to the following health issues.

  • Dizziness
  • Lightheadedness
  • Weakness
  • Fatigue
  • Palpitations and shortness of breath
  • Dry and pale skin
  • A tongue that’s silky smooth
  • Constipation
  • Loss of appetite
  • Diarrhea
  • Gas
  • Nerve disorders
  • Poor vision
  • Memory loss
  • Behavioral abnormalities
  • Depression

You might require shots of vitamin B12 if you develop pernicious anemia or have difficulties absorbing it.

If you can get enough vitamin B12 from food sources, you may also need to keep getting these shots or take a high dose of a supplement orally with the guidance of your doctor.

Final Thoughts

Vitamin B12 is essential for our general overall health. The nutrient helps with many bodily functions.

Since your body doesn’t make vitamin B12, you have to get it from animal-based foods or supplements. In addition, you should do that regularly.

The body stores vitamin B12 in the liver, which the cells use when needed.

However, if you fail to maintain your vitamin B12 levels through your diet, you can eventually become deficient, leading to health problems.

Printable Vitamin B12 Foods List (PDF)

Vitamin B12 Food List
Fortified breakfast
Fortified nutritional yeast
Cheddar cheese
Read meat
Shiitake Mushrooms

See Also

Vitamin B Foods List

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Damla Sengul

Damla Sengul, a seasoned Food Editor at, boasts a 5-year worth of expertise as a digital editor, with a specific focus on authentic recipe content. Her expertise extends to various crucial aspects of the cookery world, including in-depth research on renowned chefs worldwide and innovative recipe development. Additionally, Damla is an enthusiastic baker who dedicates part of her time crafting delightful celebration cakes for her friends.